Pics from @SavelSells on Twitter — the unveiling continues (and it looks like there are some presumably intentionally crinkly bits near the bottom?).

Not sure how I feel about the crinkly bits. Hope it doesn't push the sculpture into looking like a pile of left-over scrap metal from the construction of the tower ...
and it looks like there are some presumably intentionally crinkly bits near the bottom?
Not sure how I feel about the crinkly bits. Hope it doesn't push the sculpture into looking like a pile of left-over scrap metal from the construction of the tower ...
The crumpled metal is definitely intentional and in my opinion adds to the character of the sculpture, not detracts from it. Here is an early rendering of what was envisioned here:

Is the bottom part of the "arm" on the left supposed to have that crushed look? I couldn't help but think when I've been passing by that it looks odd, in comparison to the rest of the installation. Looks like it collapsed it on itself due to the weight of the parts above.
Is the bottom part of the "arm" on the left supposed to have that crushed look? I couldn't help but think when I've been passing by that it looks odd, in comparison to the rest of the installation. Looks like it collapsed it on itself due to the weight of the parts above.
I believe that's the look they were after, but it appears like damaged parts in my opinion.
