^All of the above are rubbish, meant for suburban locations. Design will be unveiled soon enough, and thank god for the clues...;)

Ugh... I hate semi-smug concealment. You either know something or you don't.

If you really knew something, it would be posted here faster than you could blink. Because the lure of praise of being the bearer of such tidings would prove too great to remain silent. So, one can only surmise you are seeking attention for the information you do not have.

Anyway... Y&B does seem a tough corner to design for. If you go too radical it doesn't fit in with its surroundings. Too conventional and it seems a disappointment.
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That's the perfect tower for this site.

That's the perfect tower for this site.

Now that I like, but I think we're ultimately setting ourselves up for disappointment here by hypothesizing/fantasizing about what will be designed and released for this corner.
What Marcanadian posted is nice, but how about a down-scaled 7 South Dearborn (originally designed for 610 metres). Bring it down to about 400-500 metres:

Edit: Actually, the roof tops out at "only" 477 metres.
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All of the above are rubbish, meant for suburban locations. Design will be unveiled soon enough, and thank god for the clues

I hope you aren't implying another banal modern era knockoff with too few elevators. Of course, perhaps Great Gulf will give him the freedom to really showcase his abilities. (although it's unclear if there is anything left in that tank)
Originally Posted by urbandreamer said:
^All of the above are rubbish, meant for suburban locations. Design will be unveiled soon enough, and thank god for the clues...

so basically we should dust off the sapphire condo model?
Another clues? You got to be kidding me - don't we have enough clues in the area already? I highly doubt that even Uno Prii got that many projects within such a small area at his height. And I thought THAT hotel project next door is supposed to be showcasing the height of his ability.


I hope modesty doesn't extend to the use of EIFS. LCBO box stores are rather fond of it.

