from the rumours I've heard there will be 2 towers, they would just be 2 completely different phases though... when you look at the numbers it has to be 2 towers for them to be able to make a profit on the huge land cost here.

edit: unless there is an absolutely huge floor plate taking up most of the site... then 65 floors may be enough to make it profitable.
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from the rumours I've heard there is a strong possibility for 2 towers, they would just be 2 completely different phases though... when you look at the numbers it has to be 2 towers for them to be able to make a profit on the huge land cost here.

That's good news, let's hope. There's plenty of land here to support two towers and as I mentioned many pages back, financing would be considerably easier.
That's just about 70,000 square feet of retail, is that different then before?
So exciting even just to see the building's footprint. Ahhhh. I wanna see the design now!!!
Urbanation: One Bloor to be 65-storeys with 785 residential apartment suites, 497 parking spaces on five underground levels, and 6,500 m2 of commercial.

Makes me think with that many suites, we are probably looking at a 215 meter stubby box.

Two similar heights of Toronto buildings proposed and under construction...
Shangri-La.........65 Storey/214 meter 196-room five-star hotel and 334 condo units
Ice-2...............65 Storey/217 meter and 593 condo units
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Well, accordingly to an unrelated signage report for the site in the Feb 9 TEYCC, the proposed tower will be 65s, which reconfirms the number from other sources.

See p. 5


Disappointing but not surprising. We have a number of 65 story buildings going on; Ice - Signature tower is expected to be at least 65 stories - even Aura is taller. 1 Bloor is the best site is the whole city for something spectacular. GG gives us just what you would expect, just another apartment building. My home was built by GG and I can tell you they cut a lot of corners when it came to construction. Very disappointing. Yonge and Bloor is now just another intersection.
^Well duh!, Y&B isn't exactly Coal Harbour is it?

For me, Dundas and Bloor is my Toronto most prominent intersection--I love Crossways Mall!

Looking forward to those Clewesian angles.:)

Coal Harbour?

Dundas and Bloor couldn’t pack Yonge and Bloor's lunch (assuming for the moment that it eats lunch) and Crossways mall - for real?? Crossways Mall was cool twenty five years ago - maybe - well actually no, not even then.
People are complaining that it is *only* 65 stories? Yeah, that's a terribly "typical" high rise that is only twice as tall as CrystalBlu across the street.
