I wonder if there's any opportunity to blow out the rear of the building and put in extensive retail and patios on the south side- it could be a very interesting space that would be already activated by the new Bay Park Centre/CIBC Towers.



Contemplating the future of the iconic Dominion Public Building

So far, the company has given no clues as to what its plans are for the historic building, which is zoned for commercial-residential use. It could have a tower as tall as 137 metre added to it, according to building regulations.

The limestone-clad structure, with its grand arches and doric columns, is already designated as a heritage building twice over, both as an individual site and as part of the Union Station Conservation District.

The city is also taking steps to designate it a third time to preserve aspects of its interior, including the marble lobbies and bronze doors.

That application was submitted in January, but as city spokesperson Bruce Hawkins told CBC Toronto by email, it won't be complete until the city solicitor brings forth a bylaw to council.

"Once approved, the building is designated," he explained.

I wonder if there's any opportunity to blow out the rear of the building and put in extensive retail and patios on the south side- it could be a very interesting space that would be already activated by the new Bay Park Centre/CIBC Towers.


That is exactly what Ivanhoe were discussing and is where your graphic comes from. It certainly makes sense but I wonder if Ivanhoe (who own at least 50% of the open area) and Larco will be interested in cooperating. Ivanhoe was outbid on the DPB so may not be in the mood to talk.
I'm sure they will talk. They want success for that square they are planning.

Larco seems to only have room for a single tower on the eastern side of the property, given how close the CIBC tower will be to the site. I wonder if they will do like 363 Yonge and go ridiculously tall to meet minimum setback requirements while still meeting their GFA.

This project could be very interesting..
Height here is technically limited by shadowing on Berczy Park. I would however be interested to see if money has the same effect on the parks department that it did at a school (Jesse Ketchum & Four Seasons).
I'm sure they will talk. They want success for that square they are planning.

Larco seems to only have room for a single tower on the eastern side of the property, given how close the CIBC tower will be to the site. I wonder if they will do like 363 Yonge and go ridiculously tall to meet minimum setback requirements while still meeting their GFA.

This project could be very interesting..
There is also the problem that the Long Room of the DPB is Designated and that is on east side so building on top of that side of the building will be complicated. And then there is the 1980s OMB ruling allowing them to build a tower on top of the Front Street side (that is now probably impossible due to separations from the new Bay Park tower). It is 'interesting'
There is also the problem that the Long Room of the DPB is Designated and that is on east side so building on top of that side of the building will be complicated. And then there is the 1980s OMB ruling allowing them to build a tower on top of the Front Street side (that is now probably impossible due to separations from the new Bay Park tower). It is 'interesting'

I wonder if they could get around dismantling and reassembling the room to get around the issues of construction.
Is there any land available adjacent to this property that Larco can negotiate more density on that site if this is left alone?

Maybe purchase the 3rd Brookfield Place site across the street and ask for more density there?
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This is one building that doesn't need to become another podium for a glass tower. If Larco overpaid well... let them absorb it.

Everyone is thinking office but, this could be an amazing hotel and conference centre.
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I wonder if they might have a go at turning this into a mall/shopping center + offices in the if they can't put a tower on it.

Maybe something like the Westfield San Francisco- though the narrowness of the site will probably be an issue. Maybe tear a hole in the back and create an open-ended atrium with shops on several floors going up.
I wonder if they might have a go at turning this into a mall/shopping center + offices if they can't put a tower on it.

Maybe something like the Westfield San Francisco- though the narrowness of the site will probably be an issue.

Might be a better use for the site than forcing a tower on top anyways. Would be nice to see a mix of retail and hotel use for this, and the rooftop would make for an excellent restaurant/hotel amenity space.

Larco seems to only have room for a single tower on the eastern side of the property, given how close the CIBC tower will be to the site. I wonder if they will do like 363 Yonge and go ridiculously tall to meet minimum setback requirements while still meeting their GFA.
This project could be very interesting..

Yeah, for the amount they paid for this spot, i can bet a tower is proposed somewhere there....could be really thin and tall:)
Yeah, for the amount they paid for this spot, i can bet a tower is proposed somewhere there....could be really thin and tall:)

Literally the next post was...

Height here is technically limited by shadowing on Berczy Park. I would however be interested to see if money has the same effect on the parks department that it did at a school (Jesse Ketchum & Four Seasons).
Yeah, for the amount they paid for this spot, i can bet a tower is proposed somewhere there....could be really thin and tall:)

I don't understand the concerns with how much they paid for the lot. It's irrelevant for what is the best thing for this unique, neoclassical structure. Sure. They can propose whatever they want and council can always vote it down.

A thin tall building is useless as office space. I don't see a condo tower being worth the aggravation with some of the ideas being thrown out hear.
The second phase doesn't touch the recently sold Dominion Building? What's the development potential of that building with CIBC Square so close?
That's a good question to post in the Dominion Building thread.

Hey guys!! According to DonValleyRainbow, this is a good question to post in this thread! Thanks DonValleyRainbow, he's the coolest most awesome-est person (if it's a person) ever!! I hope I get a good response to my good question.
