Based on his tweet - I took a look at the company who made the 3D render

This series of 3D renderings was produced to support Quadrangle Architects in a challenging task to design a contemporary building that neighbors on a historic one. The team of architects came up with a sophisticated skyscraper design project. We elaborated and proposed several options of exterior finishing to the client. Final 3D renders feature a design solution that laconically blends in with the modern architecture as well as with the historic building.
It isn't Quadrangle. Those renders were requested by BMO during the vending process to show what could be possible here.

That said, Staff have already met with Larco to discuss their plans. Think of who they've used in the past...
I'm not holding my breath on this design, I'll wait until a formal application is made. But one thing I do like: it uses most of the space behind and to the east of the site, minimizing impacts on the DPB itself.

I also want to see more details on what's going on in the alleyway in behind. I'd like to see some effort towards not taking it up for truck servicing, and establishing some kind of galleria.
As declared above, it is NOT this design.

And it could be something entirely different. As ProjectEnd outlined, this was prepared for the vendor - not Larco. Larco could have a completely different idea for what to do with the site.
The gist of that report is that the City wants to shift the area upon which a tower can be built to the east side of the building, where 1 Front St W is much wider because of the curve in the street, and where a new tower would be further from other nearby towers. They also want to preserve the integrity of the current facades by ensuring greater setbacks, and (even though it's not named specifically) they want the Long Room kept in tact as part of any redevelopment.

The gist of that report is that the City wants to shift the area upon which a tower can be built to the east side of the building, where 1 Front St W is much wider because of the curve in the street, and where a new tower would be further from other nearby towers.

Here's a nice illustration of it.

Ward 28 - Tor & E.York District

►View All Properties

Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments to facilitate an adaptive re-use of the existing heritage building and the construction of 2 new residential towers: 8,986 square metres of new retail and service commercial space within the podium, a 251-room boutique hotel on the upper floors of the podium, and 836 dwelling units in the new towers

Proposed Use --- # of Storeys --- # of Units ---

Type Number Date Submitted Status
OPA & Rezoning 18 199835 STE 28 OZ Jul 25, 2018 Under Review
Ward 28 - Tor & E.York District

►View All Properties

Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments to facilitate an adaptive re-use of the existing heritage building and the construction of 2 new residential towers: 8,986 square metres of new retail and service commercial space within the podium, a 251-room boutique hotel on the upper floors of the podium, and 836 dwelling units in the new towers

Proposed Use --- # of Storeys --- # of Units ---

Type Number Date Submitted Status
OPA & Rezoning 18 199835 STE 28 OZ Jul 25, 2018 Under Review

2 new towers? I am not so sanguine about the appropriateness of that outcome

