With significant demo - unless they plan on building a huge transfer structure over the building

How on earth could they do that?
A connection to CIBC Square would be great: it would ease the vertical rise situation one will encounter at the base of the rail corridor if you want to get to the park, or want to get to CIBC South via the park. If instead of descending from Front Street, and then having to rise further to clear the tracks, the rise could be both decreased and made more gentle if they can incorporate the approach to the park from Front. Of course, if here's a hotel with a weather protected connection to CIBC Square, that's a bonus for that company and any other firm located there, plus it connects another hotel directly to the Scotiabank Arena. All of that will make retail more attractive in this building too. That temple-front could be used to some seriously cool effect if there's some prestigious retail in behind it.

If Larco is now working with Hines/Ivanhoé Cambridge, it will be a win for everyone concerned with both developments, and for the city overall. This should all be coordinated, and with the money involved down here, you can be sure that has not been lost on those investing in it.

With significant demo - unless they plan on building a huge transfer structure over the building


I would be incredibly disappointed by 'significant demo'. All the 'faces' of this building are attractive, as is (or was) a good portion of the interior.

I'm not opposed to intensification here, rather I want to see extreme sensitivity both to the existing building in a literal sense, but also contextually as the partner/neighbour of whatever gets built.

I would really hope any buildings are concentrated on parking/bus areas to the rear (over the rail corridor is fine w/me too) Just leave the bulk of the existing building in tact and restore it to a gem.
I would be incredibly disappointed by 'significant demo'. All the 'faces' of this building are attractive, as is (or was) a good portion of the interior.

I'm not opposed to intensification here, rather I want to see extreme sensitivity both to the existing building in a literal sense, but also contextually as the partner/neighbour of whatever gets built.

I would really hope any buildings are concentrated on parking/bus areas to the rear (over the rail corridor is fine w/me too) Just leave the bulk of the existing building in tact and restore it to a gem.

Hear hear. I still think they should look up the street for inspiration.

I'd much prefer if Ivanhoe Cambridge acquires it, and expands 141 Bay a bit to encroach upon the back of DPB. Convert the planned laneway into a covered galleria that preserves the integrity of that back wall. You know, kinda like what they did just up the street?
I would really hope any buildings are concentrated on parking/bus areas to the rear (over the rail corridor is fine w/me too) Just leave the bulk of the existing building in tact and restore it to a gem.

Hey that's all good, if Larco is willing to develop the back of this beautiful heritage structure, and the city is not satisfied with a couple 55 storey/180 meter buildings in the rear then just let them go with a single 90-100 storey/300 meter tower development
From the planning rationale:

The heritage building will function as the podium for the proposed development and will be comprised of 8,986 square metres (96,729 square
feet) of retail and restaurant uses on the ground floor (Front Street level) and the lower ground floor (laneway level) as well as a proposed 251-
room boutique hotel on Levels 2-4. In addition, hotel amenity space (a restaurant/bar area) will be located on the roof of the podium at Level 5.
Above the podium, two residential towers with total heights of 45 and 49 storeys will be located near the Yonge Street frontage and will provide a
range of unit types (836 units in total, including 84 three-bedroom units).

Be sure to check out the drawing set - publicly accessible spaces in the heritage building below and a hotel. I think that’s the most exciting part! The towers look deferential and respectful to the heritage building to my eyes.
They couldn't have gone for a more innovative architect instead of the tired aAgh?

If we're already going to bastardize some of the last remnants of a grand Toronto, then at least do it with style - not this crap.
Parking garage looks to be accessed via the 141 Bay Office building ramp
