Here are some photos I took today of the fantastic Dominion building:


Pinnacle Success tower in the background:
Fantastic photos there Grey. New camera?:)
I don't know what it is about that building. (After all I am, I've been told just an egregious amateur)
Some might argue about the things wrong, 'esthetics' and the architectural 'rules' it breaks, but for me it will always be a fascinating structure that not only fits, but flows along gently with the curve of the street. I've walked down the sidewalk along side this big girl for decades and I have never tired of looking up at her.
Thanks! Yeah, I've been playing around with my new-ish Canon Rebel XS.

I love this building's London-style curved street presence. One of my favourites in the city, and very underrated imo.
Second in its London-style presence only to the nearby London-on-the-Esplanade of course, but that goes without saying, and I probably should have.

I don't think anyone's been arguing against the Dominion Building since the Beaux-Arts became fashionable and MoMA-compatible in the 1970s...
That first pic really is stellar, Grey. It truly is quite a brute but majestic building.

The dark green of LOTE is going to contrast very nicely.
Second in its London-style presence only to the nearby London-on-the-Esplanade of course, but that goes without saying, and I probably should have.


I agree the Dominion building is cool. It seems to stand the test of time and tells its era. It matches well with union station too. But...I don't get what's so special about London-on-the-Esplanade. It looks like an ordinary building to me. I don't get any historical contextual vibes from it (yea I know it's new and being built), the awesomeness just isn't there. I also like the building that divides the road in two also. First time I saw it, I just stared. It was so European.
A park on top of the Dominion Centre? :O That would be cool if the public were given access :D They better becareful though of those people who plan to jump off the roof.
Well, the architecture would still untouched. No one will see the roof unless you're on top of it. Also if green roofs help slow down the green house effect, I'm all for it. It would be a shame if the earth shriveled and died one day. And looking down from the satellite view, you probably think it's a park :)
Well, I can see a green roof installed as a matter of environmental routine. But for security reasons (remember: it's a federal gov't building, tax central et al) I can't see it becoming a public park sort of affair. Besides, who'd go up there? Above-ground-level public space downtown tends to be a white elephant; think of various elevated podiums, or the debate over the NPS walkways...
