Really no different than a McMansion nabe--giant "mansions" with zero architectural merit randomly placed next to each other with no relation to the next. And "urban planners" planned this crap? What is wrong with this modern society? It's so depressing....

I'd rather have zero development, high unemployment than more aesthetic nightmares.

GTA 2007: still the same old lame old out of context drivel!
One Park Tower, and most other new condos in MCC, would feel right at home on the Vegas Strip. Chicago, Chicago!
I'll echo the sentiment. The Mississauga aesthetic leaves much to be desired and those pics are downright depressing. Certainly makes you appreciate the Toronto developments a bit more.
Being open-ended and contrarian, I can take it for what it is, even if I can't advocate it by habit. Though stylistically speaking, I can imagine those responsible for Mississauga City Hall thinking: "what hath we wrought".

Of course, it's the kind of architecture that the likes of Big Daddy over in the X Condo thread might advocate over Miesian glassy boxes...
Wow, MCC's condos being compared with McMansions? Reminds of the time Adam Vaughan referred to the new condos in the downtown core as "vertical sprawl."

I guess when you hate something so much, it doesn't seem so irrational to compare it something that is the complete opposite and then state that they are the same thing.

Vertical McMansion!!!
I'll probably go out to take my own pictures tomorrow of Mississauga's high-rise McMansions. It has been long time since I have taken photos.
as Ive stated in other threads, you really cant expect pictures taken on a gray winters day to do wonders for a scene. I think some of these new towers, if derivative of other styles are quite eye catching... especially as they push MCC to new heights. The main problem with MCC is its disjointedness... some good areas of density mixed with empty fields. For the most part this problem should be solved within the next 20 years. Its nice to see that several of the developments have put some thought into form and "urban" function. Sure there are a few eyesores, though they are mostly older buildings from the 80's. As with any non-organic development, it has its short-comings but I think for the most part things are moving in a positive direction now....
I love the gargoyles! I wish I could attach one to my balcony and have it light up just like the CN Tower! :D
I'm wondering if that's UT's Post Of The Year (and just under the wire, too)...
After reading the comments here, I thought I would go take a look for myself, and in a completely un-'saugian move, I walked over through the bleak, windswept landscape. I certainly understand the comments that have been made, but... I decided I like it. Yes, it won't win any architectural awards, but its far better conceived than so so many projects in the GTA. The gargoyles are somewhat jarring, but I found them fun, I like the roof so much better than, say, the plopped on hats of the towers in North York, this one actually looks like it belongs there. In short, this building won't enter my list of favourites, but then again, it was built to a price, to appeal to a wide audience that wants architectural pastiche, and I think it achieves what it sets out to do admirably, unlike so many other projects. I also can sympathize with those who wish for more, however.
After reading the comments here, I thought I would go take a look for myself, and in a completely un-'saugian move, I walked over through the bleak, windswept landscape. I certainly understand the comments that have been made, but... I decided I like it. Yes, it won't win any architectural awards, but its far better conceived than so so many projects in the GTA. The gargoyles are somewhat jarring, but I found them fun, I like the roof so much better than, say, the plopped on hats of the towers in North York, this one actually looks like it belongs there. In short, this building won't enter my list of favourites, but then again, it was built to a price, to appeal to a wide audience that wants architectural pastiche, and I think it achieves what it sets out to do admirably, unlike so many other projects. I also can sympathize with those who wish for more, however.

I agree. The roof of One Park Tower even fits in more than the roofs of the Capital Towers. The gargoyles, which look bad when zoomed right into them, dont look that bad when you are standing under the tower. Once the park is built in front, it will be fun to lay down and look up at them.

The podium of the building pissed me off with the lack of ground floor retail. Hopefully they prove me wrong and the area along Confederation will be filled with retail.

Chicago is the project that scares the hell out me. While the podium looks great, the tower looks like crap. We need a design review panel in this city.

Edit: Looks like we have a design review panel already. So far it has only been used for two projects. One being the new hotel & conference centre in MCC. No idea what the second one was.
View from the Hammerhead pier at Pearson's Terminal 1. (Dec 14 2007)

