Some pictures of One Park yesterday afternoon.





A scary but imho accurate assessment: 1 Park Tower looks better and is of higher quality than ROCP1/2. Wow.

It looks strange though--like a lego condo tower. Very plastic Disneyfied on a cheaper scale. Perfect for a certain segment of Canadian society that loves to spend winters in Florida trailer parks;)
/\ I agree.

I find myself liking this building more and more every day and I can't quite put my finger on why. Perhaps urbandreamer's assessment is correct and 'god really is in the details' - heck, it worked for Mies (although something tells me he wouldn't quite like this one...)

And this looks a hell of a lot better than ROCP 1+2
There's something about peaked roofs that feel like "home." Something stately, permanent and domesticated. There's a finished feel about this building--painted balconies (ROCP do you have this detail?), generous balconies.

Sure, it's still a cheap and tacky building; if this was built in Virginia you know it would've been red brick, higher quality, and fit in perfect with the lush green countryside. In Miss, the greyness is overbearing, yet it kinda makes sense in the Ottawa/Canuck tradition of muted tones. It's like a first generation (c.1995) new urbanism housing estate; fitting since Daniels is about 10 years behind the design times.

Daniels: Loathe what you love.
The gargoyles take away from the building. They are a mockery.
Here's my honest idea of Daniels' intended buyer: A new (or newish) Canadian with visions of Ottawa, English and French Canadian architectural history, their twisted idea of Canada's "culture" etc. I know many "newbies" who have hilarious notions of what Canada represents. For some reason, those from "old" countries are attracted to the tacky, new, mockerama's like 1Park Tower.

Daniels' folks are smart: selling tacky trash to those with "different" taste. Look at their Capital marketing campaign--huge Canadian flags recall? Targeting new Canadians imho.
A scary but imho accurate assessment: 1 Park Tower looks better and is of higher quality than ROCP1/2. Wow.

It looks strange though--like a lego condo tower. Very plastic Disneyfied on a cheaper scale. Perfect for a certain segment of Canadian society that loves to spend winters in Florida trailer parks;)

There is no way it looks better then ROCP1/2. I do agree the roof seems more fitting, and in no way are ROCP1/2 gems ... or anything close to it but the level of detail and overall design for ROCP1/2 put it quite a bit ahead of this one ... at least in my opinion.
I really dislike the flat greyish/brown tones that lots of suburban condos seem to use, and that are affecting this tower as well. Its roof is definitely superior to the halfassed afterthought on ROCP, but that still doesn't make it a handsome building...
There's something about peaked roofs that feel like "home." Something stately, permanent and domesticated. There's a finished feel about this building--painted balconies (ROCP do you have this detail?), generous balconies.

Sure, it's still a cheap and tacky building; if this was built in Virginia you know it would've been red brick, higher quality, and fit in perfect with the lush green countryside. In Miss, the greyness is overbearing, yet it kinda makes sense in the Ottawa/Canuck tradition of muted tones. It's like a first generation (c.1995) new urbanism housing estate; fitting since Daniels is about 10 years behind the design times.

Daniels: Loathe what you love.

Maybe it does have a bit of a "Virginia" sensibility, i.e. traditionalism as Red America-style comfort food. High-rise urbanism for the Keith Urban crowd...
For some reason, those from "old" countries are attracted to the tacky, new, mockerama's like 1Park Tower.

Actually, if you were around for the sales events at 1 Park Tower like I was, you would have seen that the demographics are mostly folks from places like Hong Kong, Shanghai, Islamabad, and Beirut, in other words, where most of the newcomers to Mississauga are coming from. More 'new' countries than old, if what you meant by old was European.

And, urbandreamer, if there is a 'mockerama' here, with comic relief for everyone, it's gotta be you...

Also, for the record, I don't think that 1 Park Tower has anything in common with RoCP...other than maybe a bit of pre-cast....but they can't all be glass boxes, can they? I think RoCP wins points on its sheer height, you can't beat that for where it is...although I abhore the flying buttresses along Bay.

Unfortunately for 1PT, the gargoyles have Disneyfied it, in a way that I don't think the builders anticipated, but it is just one of those experiments in the GTA that contribute to the tremendous variety that we are blessed with.
Maybe it does have a bit of a "Virginia" sensibility, i.e. traditionalism as Red America-style comfort food. High-rise urbanism for the Keith Urban crowd...

...and when you combine the Red America aspect with who's actually buying there, naturally...

He'd go for it.
Article from the Toronto Star. The gargoyles are made of foam?

Gargoyles perch atop Mississauga

Dec 29, 2007 04:30 AM

Eight winged lions with bright blue eyes have taken up residence at One Park Tower in Mississauga, a new condominium by the Daniels Corp.

The gargoyles, made of lightweight expanded polystyrene foam sprayed with durable polyurea, include four males and four females. Half of them cantilever out from the eighth floor and the other four from the 29th floor.

"Everybody just loves them," says Daniels senior vice-president Tom Dutton, who came up with the idea for the gargoyles to give the Gothic-style building distinctive architectural details. "Several purchasers came out with their cameras the day they were being installed and we've received great feedback from the staff at Mississauga City Hall." (The gargoyles can be seen from some points at city hall.)

And all eight "gargoyle suites" – those units where purchasers will be able to wander out on their balconies and touch the gargoyles – have been sold. Those suites sold for a $10,000 premium and also include a large terrace.
yyzer, that's precisely the target demo i had in mind and what i meant by "old countries." ie where new immigrants are coming from--of non-euro heritage.

i'm funny, eh? Well maybe i'll get a slot at laugh sabbath sometime....I'll bring shoebaca too cuz that's a big part of me:)

funny that my post #905 is in a thread about a 905 building!
I thought they looked kinda foamy. Appropriate for a foamy-looking building I guess. Thankfully, Old City Hall didn't get the foam treatment.


