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Ontario's Government for the People Taking Action to Get Subway Lines Built Faster
The Getting Ontario Moving Act will Upload Responsibility for Subway Expansions and New Builds, Improve Road Safety, Cut Red Tape and Find Efficiencies
May 1, 2019 8:00 A.M.
Ministry of Transportation

Transit users and commuters who have been stuck on overcrowded subways, frustrated by delays and left waiting for transit improvements will see real relief thanks to the Ontario Government's comprehensive plan to get Ontarians moving.

Jeff Yurek, Minister of Transportation announced that the Getting Ontario Moving Act will be in introduced in the Legislature tomorrow, May 2, and if passed, would make sure new subways lines are built quickly to get Ontarians to work faster, to home sooner, and to family and friends quicker.

"We campaigned on a promise to take action to transform public transit and that is exactly what we are doing," said Minister Yurek. "And that is why tomorrow, our Government will introduce legislation that if passed would upload the Toronto subway infrastructure, allowing us to get shovels in the ground and get new subways built faster." Minister Yurek made the announcement to members of the Toronto Board of Trade in a breakfast speech at the Westin Harbour Castle Conference Centre.

The Getting Ontario Moving Act will also include measures to cut red tape and burdensome regulations, save business and taxpayers time and money, and help keep Ontario's roads among the safest in North America. Ontario's government is making life easier for people and businesses in the province by delivering simpler, faster, and better government services.

"Whether you are a parent whose children ride a school bus each day, a worker whose job is on a roadway or a driver who wants our roads to be safer, each person who uses our province's roads will benefit from our government's action to protect Ontarians and invest in transportation," Minister Yurek said.

Do they now call themselves "Ontario's Government for the People"?! lol

They aren't uploading responsibility, they're uploading control.

Listening to Yurek, he has definitely mastered the political art of talking a lot and saying nothing.
Do they now call themselves "Ontario's Government for the People"?! lol

Yes, they have always used this type of annoying "advertsing"

Listening to Yurek, he has definitely mastered the political art of talking a lot and saying nothing.

Yurek is like, all Ontario Transportation minsters. There's literally no difference.

Yurek, who moments ago accused the media of inaccurate reporting and stated “every bit” of transit planning the city has already done would be reused for the province’s different plan, now concedes some of the work the city has done won’t be usable.

Was anyone not expecting this to happen, considering the different technologies and construction techniques used in the two plans?

The big question here is what sort of work was lost, and how far back does it set work on the line?
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Was anyone not expecting this to happen, considering the different technologies and construction techniques used in the two plans?

The big question here, is what sort of work was lost.
The big question here is why he's bereft of the facts? I just tried watching the Bored of Claiming to Represent Trade appearance. My God...I can't believe I stayed awake. Jan Silver obviously has an agenda. In fact I did a little digging to find out how she gets to claim her status, and just as I suspected:
The newly branded Toronto Region Board of Trade has sparked a turf war with area chambers of commerce, including Brampton’s, over a name change that some business leaders are calling a blatant attempt to steal members.
“There is some controversy because of the perception that the Toronto Region Board of Trade is trying to expand their scope,” said Glenn Williams, Brampton Board of Trade chair. “It creates a perception that the Toronto Region Board of Trade may be speaking for businesses in the Greater Toronto Area.”
The Toronto board raised eyebrows in January when it unveiled a new name with the word ‘Region’ tacked on. Some suggest Toronto’s new name suggests it represents the entire region.
“It’s kind of like the Brampton Board of Trade calling itself the Peel Board of Trade or Western Toronto Board of Trade, Williams said.
“They’ll tell you they are only speaking for their members, but from the broad public’s point of view they assume it’s a group of businesses around the GTA that have come together and have an opinion. Well, really, that’s not the case.” [...]

I've watched a few too many interviews and round-tables where she's spoken, read the reports from her org, and been left wondering 'WTF'?

Yurek actually came across OK with the Agenda interview I discussed here some while back, but he wasn't up on the file. He still isn't...Rod Phillips is the only PC cab member I've heard talk with a real understanding of the issues. And they have him wasted as Minister of the environment, conservation and parks.

Yurek is stooge sent out to pretend he knows what he's talking about. I'll give him credit, he knows half. And that's 50% more than Yakabuski.
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Yurek is stooge sent out to pretend he knows what he's talking about. I'll give him credit, he knows half. And that's 50% more than Yakabuski.

For a politician, knowing 50% of his/her portfolio is a pretty good skill level. If only same standard applied in all other trades .. unemployment would be nonexistent.

Oops .. planes wouldn't fly, hydro lines would be without power, schools wouldn't teach anything at all. Sewage would still flow, but not into the treatment plant ..
^ I actually regret using the term "stooge", but Yurek's...*difficulty* with understanding the context of his task is unnerving to say the least. He's a competent pharmacist, to be sure, and would have to score in the high 90% of efficacy to be considered that, but his understanding of transit matters is less than many on these boards.

Again, Rod Phillips actually more than impressed and surprised me as to how he had a grasp on the issue far beyond the average politician's, as witnessed at The Provincial Transportation Debate | Transport Futures
Why wasn't Phillips given the file? Let me guess. He knows too much. Can't have that. They need a yes-man.

Best I watch that debate again to check my claims. That debate gave me hope. That hope is now pretty much dashed, save for the Private Sector which has to fill the void of QP' abdication. It's beyond ironic that we have to have faith in the Private Sector to perform where the governing regime hasn't a clue, but that's where we're at now. This regime is not even capable of *overseeing* private investment. Hopefully the Feds take over the role of overseeing this, as here's the situation as it relates to the very "European" models and corps the Cons hope to attract:
Cancellation of German-owned Ontario wind project prompts warning from Berlin

Ontario’s move to cancel the contract of a German-owned wind energy project represents a black mark for the province in the eyes of foreign investors, Berlin’s ambassador to Canada, Sabine Sparwasser, warned Monday.

The German government and multinational companies have taken note of Premier Doug Ford’s decision to pull the plug on wpd AG’s White Pines wind project in Prince Edward County, as well as the bill now before the legislature that will allow the province to set limits on what compensation is provided, Ms. Sparwasser said in a telephone interview.

“Obviously, every incoming government has the right to change policy direction,” she said. “But to have a unilateral cancellation pushed through by law that way is unsettling for the company, but is also something that will unsettle other potential investors."
The ambassador’s warning was echoed by John Manley, president of the Business Council of Canada, which represents chief executive officers of the country’s largest firms.

In a letter to Premier Ford dated Monday, Mr. Manley urged the provincial government to reconsider the cancellation, saying it is sending the wrong signal as the premier declares the province “open for business.”

I'd love to ask Yurek a few pointed questions to his face, but alas...

Addendum: Whoa! Just clicked on the debate link I posted, but at that page, clicked on another discussion by happy mistake. This is top notch for all you transit watchers:
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Municipally I agree, It was all map drawing to attract voters. That was the game because there was no chance to seriously fund at the municipal level and no sustainable plan from upper levels even being discussed. No matter how many corners were cut in the inner Toronto plan it wouldn't matter as there was little discussion or pressure up above.

The current Provincial admin is looking to opportunistically capitalize on both drawing a better map as the City butchered in their very limited capped funding environment and now hoping to capitalize politically in the Federal election on the overdue funding. This is far different here as Provincial & Federally is now a discussion about real funding thats getting turned up a notch.

These political games should have been going on decades at our upper levels. It's great news for the GTA that a voice for transit expansion funding has escalated up above and will begin set the tone for all parties moving forward to be pay more attention. No matter what party going forward is in power this political escalation is very a good thing in the long run and the discussions are longggggggggg overdue.
So true, I had mixed feelings cause I thought that it was just another empty promise but seeing that a higher government was taking control without the long-lasting decisions and debates. Although it might not please everyone, If his team manages to have shovels in the ground by the next election, I might still have faith in development of transit. Although he's not a perfect guy.
Phil Verster gave a speech today. At the 32:52 mark he receives a question and mentions the Ontario Line as an example. He has a specific comment about the West Harbour Station and the crossing of the Don River by the Ontario Line and how this would allow the Ontario Line Station ("Broadview Station" on the Relief Line map) to more closely align with the GO platforms at the proposed East Harbour Station. (Fixed a typo in my original post).

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the crossing of the Don River by the Ontario Line and how this would allow the Ontario Line West Harbour Station to more closely align with the GO platforms at West Harbour.
That's quite a stretch...Are there any stops proposed between the Don and Hamilton Harbour? Perhaps submitting the question to Metrolinx Engage might get some answers? Perhaps not...

In the event, he states correctly "East Harbour"....and he's lost the plot, so it matters little. He tries to rationalize coming up from deep tunnel to have passenger interchange with a GO station at the same site (nr Eastern Ave) between other stops where the transfer can take place. (Gerard and Exhibition). And then the 'Ontario Line' dives back into deep tunnel again. Fascinating...

East Harbour GO station is a SmartTrack proposal. Good to know Phil's put his stamp of approval on it. Well thank God with the new 'upload legislation' that the Province will be paying for it now. The City is forbidden to build anything new in the way of 'subway' transit.

Verster's been drinking Kool-Aid...and selling fantasies. The question really is if Yurek is drinking it too, or just doesn't know the difference? After all:
B[B]en Spurr[/B]‏Verified account @[B]BenSpurr[/B] May 1
Yurek says it's been "misreported in the media" that the province's plans, which would significantly alter council approved projects, won't use design work that has already been done. "Every bit of the city's previous planning on transit is being used," he claims.^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author
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Phil Verster gave a speech today. At the 32:52 mark he receives a question and mentions the Ontario Line as an example.
One interesting note is that Metrolinx apparently started on planning the Ontario line back in October after receiving a Ministry missive on it. I wonder how dear this project is to Ford?

The concept of privately-funded stations is also being brought to the government by June- I think we'll likely see a firming up of the Conservative's plans for RER by then as well.
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One interesting note is that Metrolinx apparently started on planning the Ontario line back in October after receiving a Ministry missive on it.
Yeah, Verster's dropped that line in at least two instances, that he was (gist) 'Instructed to put his head into doing this'...a very odd mantra indeed. Ford? He doesn't even know how to describe the line, let alone coach someone on the concept. And Yurek's missive? I don't see it. Mr Strawman himself. He can't even get his facts straight on some crucial aspects of all of this.

A lot of lingo not making much sense lately...

Some entity outside of Gov't has approached them with a predigested concept, said, inasmuch as "We can build this, but you're the people to put the legislation in place" and part of the ruse was to pretend they baked it all by their little selves.

And then the appearance at the Empire Club....c' reeks of contrivance.
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