Why is everyone still calling it the DRL? The working name is The Relief Line. The official name will be the U2 line.

We're calling it the DRL because that's what it's been known as for the past 40 years. It will probably change over time. But everyone knows what "DRL" is referring to, so no point in getting too upset over it.
The Line That Should Have Been Built Thirty Years Ago But Our Incompetent Politicians Wouldn't Let It Get Done = TLTSHBBTYABOIPWLIGD
The east leg of the old Harbord streetcar, before replaced by extending the Dundas streetcar, went east on Gerrard St. East to Carlaw Avenue, north to Riverdale, east to Pape, and then north to the Lipton Loop near Danforth Avenue. The DRL would be replacing the east leg of the Hardord streetcar. A few decades late, of course.

Maybe the DRL line should be called the Harbord Relief Line.
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The Line That Should Have Been Built Thirty Years Ago But Our Incompetent Politicians Wouldn't Let It Get Done = TLTSHBBTYABOIPWLIGD

Okay, as soon as one of us comes up with an acronym that translates to a real word, we need to send it in to City Hall. They won't know the difference, but we'll know ;)
Okay, as soon as one of us comes up with an acronym that translates to a real word, we need to send it in to City Hall. They won't know the difference, but we'll know ;)

Anyone think that they'll have a naming competition? If so, we had better start thinking of something clever.
Metrolinx CEO predicts approval of downtown relief subway line by 2014

See this link.

The bad news:

it will likely take 15 years to approve, design and fully build the Downtown Relief Line to ease congestion on the subway system
