You can certainly join if you like. Distance shouldn't be too much of an issue. We'll see what skills each of us can bring to the team and figure out how we'll all contribute.

I think we're leading towards something more than just a petition. It could easily be dismissed as slacktivism.

I am well aware of the "slacktivist" connotations petitions have. But, I think it is something to do out of many things, just one part to get the city fired up on the project. After all, TTCRiders have done petitions in the past.
Eventually, we could pull donations from people across the city to make the Relief Line a reality (with rewards/perks including "I Love the Relief Line" buttons, T-shirts, and even a personalized tile on a station wall, just like Leslie station). We can go further and allow recently deceased transit fans to have their ashes mixed in with the mortar, so that they could become a part of a subway station. I am considering having myself be cremated (once I die) and have my ashes become part of a subway station.
There seems to be a lot of misleading information out there regarding the SmartTrack project and beyond that, despite all damning evidence, it seems Tory wants nothing more than to have this line built to cement his political legacy.

Agreed. I like Tory, and think he's a good mayor for Toronto. But SmartTrack is just so. goddam. fishy. I don't know why the news hasn't fully caught on to it yet. And I honestly don't think this is about 'political legacy'.

I'm not trying to absolve Ford, but at least the projects he pushed had significant support from the public and area residents prior to him making them "priorities". Who's out there supporting SmartTrack? We know it's essentially Stouffville RER and a Crosstown West extension to Sauga, we know the ridership projections, and we know it's not all that popular (particularly when compared with projects like SSE and a DRL). So why is he relentlessly going on about it?
I really dislike Code Red or whatever those people call themselves. I hope they're not involved in any DRL advocacy.
Agreed. I like Tory, and think he's a good mayor for Toronto. But SmartTrack is just so. goddam. fishy. I don't know why the news hasn't fully caught on to it yet. And I honestly don't think this is about 'political legacy'.

I'm not trying to absolve Ford, but at least the projects he pushed had significant support from the public and area residents prior to him making them "priorities". Who's out there supporting SmartTrack? We know it's essentially Stouffville RER and a Crosstown West extension to Sauga, we know the ridership projections, and we know it's not all that popular (particularly when compared with projects like SSE and a DRL). So why is he relentlessly going on about it?

SmartTrack was apparently very popular during the election time; otherwise Tory would not beat both Ford and Chow.

Regardless, they need to figure out the details of SmartTrack implementation very quickly, I guess by early 2016. Otherwise, Tory will lose the next election, and his SmartTrack will share the fate of Rob Ford's transit plans.
SmartTrack was apparently very popular during the election time; otherwise Tory would not beat both Ford and and Chow

I get the feeling a lot of Torontonians voted for Tory, because they were, and still are under the impression "Smart Track" is an underground LRT, and they're not aware John Tory is talking about surface rail.
That makes 5.

I'll send a personal message to confirmed members any anyone else who expresses interest shortly, as UT isn't the best medium for these discussions.
Can you please include me? Email is geoff (at) olynyk (dot) name or via PM. I am trying to work out who on here are the mods of the DRL facebook group :)
