My family lives in queens and although the area beside the elevated station is pretty vibrant it is a fraction of what is seen on the immediate streets just beside the elevated lines. A few really nice Greek restaurants and bakery's with Ferraris and Bentleys outside always. While under the transit is a staples, eb games (gamespot) and Duncan doughnuts.
Just a comment on the trench vs open cut discussion: To me, trench implies vertical walls (like at a rail underpass, or the Transitway trench along Scott St in Ottawa), while open cut implies embankments on either side on about a 45 degree angle (like the Yonge line through the Rosedale area).

Or to use two highways examples: the Décarie in Montreal (trench) vs the Allen in Toronto (open cut).
what are you talking about an organic feeling? Its ugly looking looking and that overrides that it saves money

I work in visual design and I can't even agree with this. The savings is in the tens of millions, aesthetics is not worth that much. I also don't find the modern elevated designs that ugly anyway, maybe people are thinking of the older steel structures? These days they are comparable to a typical highway ramp.
I work in visual design and I can't even agree with this. The savings is in the tens of millions, aesthetics is not worth that much. I also don't find the modern elevated designs that ugly anyway, maybe people are thinking of the older steel structures? These days they are comparable to a typical highway ramp.

Couldn't agree more. Is this ugly?

The savings is in the tens of millions, aesthetics is not worth that much.
For something that people will look at for decades, and can have major impact on development potential, "aesthetics" is actually worth quite a lot.
But the cost savings are in the hundreds of millions. $100 to $150M/km for elevated vs. $300 to $500M for underground.
Not sure if this was posted before.

Just listening to the TTC board meeting. Current timeline:
2031: Phase 1
2041: Phase 2
??: Phase 3

This is all assuming there are no delays.

Also, cost of phase 1: 6.8 billion.
More like the Washington silver extension given the TTC design standards. That thing is a ridiculous hulking mass - even in the context of massive suburban office campus parking lots.
Not sure if this was posted before.

Just listening to the TTC board meeting. Current timeline:
2031: Phase 1
2041: Phase 2
??: Phase 3

This is all assuming there are no delays.

Also, cost of phase 1: 6.8 billion.
Almost makes me want Toronto to succeed with the Expo bid.
At least in the mean time we can get SmartTrack rolling stock with its own station platforms and maybe some of its own tunnelled sections.
Not sure if this was posted before.

Just listening to the TTC board meeting. Current timeline:
2031: Phase 1
2041: Phase 2
??: Phase 3

This is all assuming there are no delays.

Also, cost of phase 1: 6.8 billion.
Is phase 2 up to Eglinton/Don Mills, or Sheppard/Don Mills?
Almost makes me want Toronto to succeed with the Expo bid.
And the potential 2028 Summer games and 2026 World Cup.

Only way to get anything FastTracked in this Country.

Montreal Yellow, Orange and Green line?
Expo 67

Montreal Green and Orange line extended near completion?
1976 Summer Olympics.

Toronto would need both the Expo and Summer game to see both phases fasttracked and completed by 2028. I would thrown in the Portlands, Unilever, Waterfront LRT and the Sheppard Line going West to Downsview.
