But the cost savings are in the hundreds of millions. $100 to $150M/km for elevated vs. $300 to $500M for underground.

Didn't realize it was that big a difference. All the more baffling when lines like the Spadina extension are tunneled.
Why isn't Scarborough RT being retained and extended? Why not just put a cover on it to protect from ice and snow? Anyway, that ship may have sailed. Unless the transit runs through a downtown or residential area, I don't see the problem with elevated tracks, except that when you trench there are development/public amenities opportunities above. Air rights and building above transportation corridors is the next wave of development.
They originally were supposed to recommend a route to the Executive Committee last September. What's their excuse for that delay?
From today's meeting on the DRL

  • City confirms that DRL Phase I does not relieve the Yonge line north of Bloor, only Phase II
  • ATC will relieve somewhat the Yonge line.
  • City confirms that revisiting alignment on the DRL from Pape to Carlaw will delay the DRL by at least 3 to 6 months and additional cost.
City confirms that revisiting alignment on the DRL from Pape to Carlaw will delay the DRL by at least 3 to 6 months and additional cost.

I don't understand this. Why can't they start on the other parts while figuring this short part out?
I don't understand this. Why can't they start on the other parts while figuring this short part out?

My understanding is that changing alignments would affect the rest of the line. So you need to hold everything until that's figured out first so you don't plan for nothing.
Can't see how it would affect University to Sherbourne, for example, so it still makes little sense to me.

You're right, assuming you dedicate extra staff, which it seems they don't want/can't do, extra cost. So the current staff would have to stop whatever they are doing to look at Carlaw, hence the delay.
They can put in an order for the tunneling machines for delivery after they make up their minds on the alignment.
