I really wished the city came up with a comprehensive transit masterplan kind of the same way it has the zoning masterplan.

Right now there's too many studies and they're all fragmented.
I really wished the city came up with a comprehensive transit masterplan kind of the same way it has the zoning masterplan.

Right now there's too many studies and they're all fragmented.

And ideally it would be integrated with the zoning, as per Neptis' report.
I don't like that the motion to expand Bloor/Yonge passed almost unanimously. That's like, what, a billion dollar project? And one that will more than likely delay other projects (incl RL).
And supported by Tory... I guess there goes the relief line north as a Subway.
Guys relax, the motion is simply to consider as a possibility. It does not mean LRT is the new direction here. I'm sure once an analysis of Subway vs. LRT is done, subway will be a clear winner.
Sad about wasting staff's time and budget.
Guys relax, the motion is simply to consider as a possibility. It does not mean LRT is the new direction here. I'm sure once an analysis of Subway vs. LRT is done, subway will be a clear winner.
Sad about wasting staff's time and budget.

I know...but it's a complete waste of time and money.

To be perfectly honest, I wouldn't be surprised if it opens to the door to suburban councilors pushing for it.

Downtown has enough subways, after all. :p
I don't like that the motion to expand Bloor/Yonge passed almost unanimously. That's like, what, a billion dollar project? And one that will more than likely delay other projects (incl RL).

I dunno, I feel as though Yonge Station (Bloor Line) could really use a second platform like what has been done at Union. Those existing platforms are dangerously narrow to be handling such crowds.


Subways to STC and Vaughan, but an LRT for the Relief Line?

Do city councilors have any idea how transit works??

You do realize that the STC and Vaughan extensions are relief lines in their own right, right? The Spadina extension is intercepting passengers heading downtown from the west end prior to them reaching Yonge and likewise the north-soutth arm of the Danforth Line intercepts passengers from the east. Those passengers if met by the Phase 1 DRL at Pape, would be bypassing Bloor-Yonge - thus alleviating it.

This mentality that all other transit projects must stop indefinitely and use their prioritized funding to fund the DRL, rather than source it's own new funding, is precisely why there's no much anger and division in this city.

Subways to STC and Vaughan, but an LRT for the Relief Line?

Do city councilors have any idea how transit works??

It's not immediately obvious why LRT north of Danforth would be an issue. It's worth taking a couple weeks to run the GTA transit model on it to see what falls out.
I dunno, I feel as though Yonge Station (Bloor Line) could really use a second platform like what has been done at Union. Those existing platforms are dangerously narrow to be handling such crowds.

You do realize that the STC and Vaughan extensions are relief lines in their own right, right? The Spadina is intercepting passengers heading downtown from the west end prior to them reaching Yonge and likewise the north-soutth arm of the Danforth Line intercepts passengers from the east. Those passengers if met by the Phase 1 DRL at Pape, would be bypassing Bloor-Yonge - thus alleviating it.

This mentality that all other transit projects must stop indefinitely and use their prioritized funding to fund the DRL, rather than source it's own new funding, is precisely why there's no much anger and division in this city.

No, they aren't. They're adding capacity to an overburdened system.

People coming from the west have plenty of access points before Yonge on the Spadina Line.

The extension to STC is in no way, shape or form a 'relief line'.
LRT North of Danforth may not be the worst idea in the world.

Given the density and ridership this line is likely to garner, it seems like a poor idea to introduce a transfer - though I can understand the rationale.
I don't like that the motion to expand Bloor/Yonge passed almost unanimously. That's like, what, a billion dollar project? And one that will more than likely delay other projects (incl RL).

I still think it would be a good investment. The station is really cramped for the amount of people it serves.
Given the density and ridership this line is likely to garner, it seems like a poor idea to introduce a transfer - though I can understand the rationale.

A transfer from Bloor to Yonge hasn't slowed anything down; nor are single seat rides common in any part of the world with a large network many of which have much higher ridership than Toronto. LRT might even be setup as a cross platform transfer; very painless, similar to changing from an Express to Local train in NY. That's something millions do daily completely voluntarily.

There's not much evidence that a short transfer from a frequent service to frequent service has significant impact in ridership among able bodied persons.

So, I still think it's worth modelling.
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I still think it would be a good investment. The station is really cramped for the amount of people it serves.

Good luck doing it while Y+B is still in full usage. It's like putting the cart (redoing the interchange) before the horse (DRL). It's been studied in the 80s and TTC got cold feet having to shut the station for 6 months for the works, why are we doing that again?

