I'm really curious to see the staging plan here and how the main station structure is going to be built over the active GO station.

Same! I live real close so I'll be on top of it with very frequent updates including drone shots.
I'm really curious to see the staging plan here and how the main station structure is going to be built over the active GO station.

Maybe it'll be built to the north and they'll push it to the south over the tracks?
That's how the Liege Station in Belgium was built.

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Long-term hoarding is being installed North of the portal site (between Hanna and Pirandello St).

Photos starting just east of King West Laneway heading westward to the foot of Pirandello St.

April 25
They need to update the GO Station map for the rest of the year since there is no streetcar service currently as well as the 63 running in both directions now.

Be lucky to see TTC streetcars south of the loop by 2030 at the rate things are going. Got to replace the Dufferin bridge first that is supposed to be schedule in 2027 if I am not mistaken.

I notice the north GO track is higher than the original corridor today

The new tunnel extension is haft the width of the existing one and will be a bitch for events at the EX to to get to/from, let alone during the EX.

Lot more photos up on my site.




April 25

The new tunnel extension is haft the width of the existing one and will be a bitch for events at the EX to to get to/from, let alone during the EX.

Where do you see that it's half the width? I've seen through the door and it looks to be the same as the current section open now.
Either way, the point of the pedestrian bridge, which is open any day/week now, is to relieve overcrowding in the tunnel.

My update from the weekend:

Got a big ol' pile of dirt on the old 2 Atlantic site.



Hole has been excavated near the bottom of Pardee Ave (West of Atlantic) so they can tunnel under the tracks for utility relocation from 2 Atlantic site. More info via OL's IG post at bottom of post.

A piling rig has been at work South of the tracks where the tunnel will end (immediately North of the Gardiner).

OL IG .jpg
Only a year for the station building and that beautiful canopy? Seems ambitious!
They’ve given themselves wiggle room with the way they’ve illustrated the timeline, depends what you consider is the beginning of station construction. With all pedestrian flow redirected and all footings of the structure in place, 1-2 years isn’t unreasonable for pouring a big slab over the rails then building uninterrupted like an ordinary building. Finishing touches like fare gates don’t need to be in place until OL opens.

It’s all a matter of how closely ML + contractors adhere to the schedule up until then. To their credit: this site is the furthest advanced of the OL construction so far.
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From OL's Instagram.


"Passing by Exhibition Station on the GO train? A new tunnel is being dug beneath you! Ten metres under the tracks between the north and south platforms a small jack and bore tunnelling auger is working away, tunnelling about 3 metres per day. The tunnel will carry the electrical lines that will power the future station concourse.

Crews are using a small tunnelling auger, with a cutter head of only 48 inches (compared to one of approximately 6.5 metres used to build a subway tunnel).

With one operator at the top handling the controls and another in the shaft making sure it’s going straight, we’ll have new utilities under the trains by mid-summer. "
Crews are using a small tunnelling auger, with a cutter head of only 48 inches (compared to one of approximately 6.5 metres used to build a subway tunnel).
Is it too much to ask the PR flacks to convert all their measurements to the same system of measurement? And since I did the math, 48" is approximately 1220 cm 122 cm.

EDIT: Math, obviously this upsets me because I can't be trusted to do it myself!
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