There should be another Notwithstanding Clause in the Constitution that prevents anyone the New York Times calls a 'tin-pot Trump' from invoking the other Notwithstanding Clause. Either that, or they should just call me to decide, just saying.

Well looks like "The People's Casino" is coming to Ontario Place? How do you politically spin overriding Council on that one. Sticking it to the Lefties? That's Okay but it doesn't have the force of the Sticking it to the lefties, plus judicial activism, plus saving taxpayer money argument that apparently a majority of the population still didn't approve of.
Given that the Feds have a stake in Waterfront Toronto, I wonder how an MZO along the waterfront would play out.

The Feds aren't all that active in this stretch of the waterfront; certainly not OP and the Ex-lands. Given the kerfuffle at the latter, I am curious as to whether his worship will instigate a takeover.

A casino with this government is far more likely to come to fruition than any government we've had in the past. I cant blame the casino industry for floating the idea again, they are trying to take advantage of the "genius" that we have in power.

I wouldnt be surprised if we see the original Oxford Place proposal rise from the dead either.
Well looks like "The People's Casino" is coming to Ontario Place? How do you politically spin overriding Council on that one. Sticking it to the Lefties? That's Okay but it doesn't have the force of the Sticking it to the lefties, plus judicial activism, plus saving taxpayer money argument that apparently a majority of the population still didn't approve of.

The People's Casino, with Buck-A-Beers.

Easier access to alcohol and gambling. Are these the 'family values' conservatives expected when they voted Ford? ;)

The Liberals deserve a lot of blame for not having Ontario Place ready in time - now it's ripe for the picking.
The Liberals deserve a lot of blame for not having Ontario Place ready in time - now it's ripe for the picking.
Another Kathleen Wynne legacy. I'd like to thank her government for dragging their feet on Ontario Place to such a long time, as a result we're going to end up with monorails, and ferris wheels and pixie dust all throughout Ontatio Place!
Another Kathleen Wynne legacy. I'd like to thank her government for dragging their feet on Ontario Place to such a long time, as a result we're going to end up with monorails, and ferris wheels and pixie dust all throughout Ontatio Place!

Yeah right on, a monorail system with 20 stations across the waterfront from Humber Bay shores to the Portlands
i'd take that:p
Another Kathleen Wynne legacy. I'd like to thank her government for dragging their feet on Ontario Place to such a long time, as a result we're going to end up with monorails, and ferris wheels and pixie dust all throughout Ontatio Place!

Yes, blame Kathleen Wynne. It's not as if the government started work on revitalization with a new park or reopening the Cinesphere or anything like that.

But is this the best use of Ontario Place?

I find it curious that a prime waterfront location is being touted for a venue that traditionally has no windows.

Another Kathleen Wynne legacy. I'd like to thank her government for dragging their feet on Ontario Place to such a long time, as a result we're going to end up with monorails, and ferris wheels and pixie dust all throughout Ontatio Place!

So the answer to any of the current government's (potentially moronic) decisions is that it's the previous government's fault? I'm confused.
So the answer to any of the current government's (potentially moronic) decisions is that it's the previous government's fault? I'm confused.

Well from millions of visitors a year to just 1/2 million before they shut down
..yeah i'd say they were to blame for not doing enough to keep it exciting and vibrant
Ontario Finance Minister open to idea of a casino on Toronto’s waterfront
Ontario’s Finance Minister says the provincial government is open to having a casino in downtown Toronto, but any decision will be made in consultation with the city as part of a larger waterfront redevelopment.

Vic Fedeli’s comments are the first public signal that Premier Doug Ford’s government is considering a gambling complex as part of a plan to revitalize Ontario Place, the provincially owned waterfront theme park that was mothballed several years ago.
Yes, blame Kathleen Wynne. It's not as if the government started work on revitalization with a new park or reopening the Cinesphere or anything like that.

So the answer to any of the current government's (potentially moronic) decisions is that it's the previous government's fault? I'm confused.

The previous government dragged their feet with Ontario Place by shutting the park down and then keeping it dormant for years without having any plan for it whatsoever. Then the decided to piecemeal the revitalization by splitting the park up into sections and coming up with a plan for one section, while sitting on their hands and pondering what to do with the other section. It's the other section (ie: the one that the current PC government is reviewing altogether) that I am blaming them for the foot dragging.
