Saturday, January 12, 2019
1 pm – 3:30 pm
Metro Hall
55 John Street
Rooms 308 & 309.
RSVP Here to reserve your place

Save the Date! January 12th
Rally Round Ontario Place
Sponsored by:
Waterfront for All & Park People
Saturday, January 12, 2019
1 pm – 3:30 pm
Waterfront Neighbourhood Centre
627 Queens Quay West

Share your Ontario memories.
Share your Ontario Place visions.
Then let’s take action and make it happen!
Speakers Include: Karen Carter, Myseum
Zahra Ebrahim, Doblin/Delloitte
Ken Greenberg, Greenberg Consultants Inc.
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Save the Date! January 12th
Rally Round Ontario Place
Sponsored by:
Waterfront for All & Park People
Saturday, January 12, 2019
1 pm – 3:30 pm
Waterfront Neighbourhood Centre
627 Queens Quay West
Share your Ontario memories.
Share your Ontario Place visions.
Then let’s take action and make it happen!
Speakers Include: Karen Carter, Myseum
Zahra Ebrahim, Doblin/Delloitte
Ken Greenberg, Greenberg Consultants Inc.
It’s great they’re holding the Ontario Place rally somewhere other than OP, given the fact that the object of their adoration is in a transit desert.
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It’s great they’re holding the Ontario Place rally somewhere other than OP, given the fact that the object of their adoration is in a transit desert.

Why do people say this? Easy to get here from both Union and Bathurst subway stations by streetcar. And not far from the King streetcar or Dufferin bus. Bus and streetcars are a five minute walk away.
While it is accessible via transit, I would not say that it is especially efficient to reach.

We are still talking about a trip over 1h for the majority of people in this city.
While it is accessible via transit, I would not say that it is especially efficient to reach.

We are still talking about a trip over 1h for the majority of people in this city.

Agreed. The walk from King is also not the nicest, having to cross several major roads. I jog the route frequently, but am often inclined to just go north and avoid Ontario Place as I find the pedestrian routes there from King W very unpleasant.
it's a 5 minute walk from the Exhibition loop on the 509, which is about a 20 minute streetcar ride from Union Station. Exhibition GO is a similar walk.
If it really was that easy to get to Ontario Place by transit, the Aurora Festival wouldn't need to have a free shuttle. And even then, it appears the vast majority of attendees chose to drive instead. I've done the walk from Exhibition Station many times. Five minutes is doable, but doing it with small children or seniors can almost double the time.
If it really was that easy to get to Ontario Place by transit, the Aurora Festival wouldn't need to have a free shuttle. And even then, it appears the vast majority of attendees chose to drive instead. I've done the walk from Exhibition Station many times. Five minutes is doable, but doing it with small children or seniors can almost double the time.

This. For what is supposed to be a large attraction, the transit service is a joke. The lengthy walk from Exhibition loop across the asphalt deserts of the CNE is unpleasant at best, and daunting for anyone with mobility issues. There should be a streetcar or bus right to the main gate of OP, but because this is Toronto that will never happen.

Saturday, January 12, 2019
1 pm – 3:30 pm
Metro Hall
55 John Street
Rooms 308 & 309.

RSVP Here to reserve your place
@jessiecatherine said:
"Everything is in complete disrepair, there is nothing that can be saved," Ginou said. "Because it has to be rebuilt, it can be rebuilt in any way that Ford wants it to be rebuilt."

Casino! Casino! Casino!

Oh, and don't forget the Ferris Wheel (for real this time)

I expect a slapstick montage where a wrecking ball knocks the Cinesphere off its foundations and it floats away.
