By the site today and it's only a few feet deeper than my last visit. Talking to some of site personnel at the site, I said it's the slowest hole I have seen and the rate it was going, going to be 2021 when forming starts and they laugh.

Work has stated on the park area that is now its own site with the Edge Tower hording shifted to the east of the park area.

Photos to follow
I found it interesting to see the Day Care being built when I shot the site today, considering it had to go through The Committee of Adjustment. It was only heard on Aug 15. Only got home on Wed and no notice posted at the beginning of Aug when we left. Based on the number of portables and the type, this plan has been in place for sometime and was rubber stamp at CoA.

Some concrete curbs being pour with more being form for the entrance/exit as well the driveway. See no on site parking.

A 2nd excavator is now on site.

Since these towers are to see 50% parking ratio, the holes will not be deep as others. The best I see is 2 levels of parking.

Once the Day Care moves to the new location, excavation can start for tower 2 once the existing structure is remove. Once the sales office is relocated or close, only then excavation take place for Tower 3.
Went to see the site this weekend as well. The ground was much deeper than I expected.
The fact that they're giving it a different name has me concerned that they're going for a different design than the first two phases. Hopefully it's design language matches with the other two.

I'm betting it's going to be a round building, with no edges. The name "Oro" sounds very roundish.
The fact that they're giving it a different name has me concerned that they're going for a different design than the first two phases. Hopefully it's design language matches with the other two.
I'm betting it's going to be a round building, with no edges. The name "Oro" sounds very roundish.
It's called Oro at Edge Towers so let's not jump to conclusions too quickly

combining form
relating to mountains.
