Furthermore, who are "we"? There is nothing stopping you from building, buying, or designing an ""innovative building". Personally, while I like "innovative" buildings the truth is I will take location, price, layout, etc. in consideration far before I care about a building's aesthetic form. If that makes me part of the problem so be it.

After all my primary considerations are met I will definitely take aesthetics into account with the surplus resources at my disposal. The more wealthy I become the closer aesthetic form will be to the core of those things I hold important in my environment.
We used to be very innovative. Just look at City Hall and CN Tower for examples of that. Not sure why that stopped.

I would add Ontario Place, Royal Bank Plaza and maybe the Ontario Science Centre as well. It is certainly true that in the 1960s and 1970s, the level of creativity in the most prominent projects was quite high, but even then there was a lot of "extruded building product" as well, such as the huge number of 10-30 story apartment slabs (not that I have anything against them, units in those buildings tend to be far more spacious than those found in more recent buildings).
Well whatever they were working on today caused an internet blackout on the block. Our office was down for a good hour while crews repaired the lines.
People call Toronto "The Creative City"? I've never heard that before.

We used to be very innovative. Just look at City Hall and CN Tower for examples of that. Not sure why that stopped.

The 80's happened, and we never really recovered from our "think big and beautiful" aspirations of decades earlier.

I'm fine with this being a parking lot until something ambitious is proposed, I never bought into the restaurant row concept on this unattractive section of street.
People call Toronto "The Creative City"? I've never heard that before.

We used to be very innovative. Just look at City Hall and CN Tower for examples of that. Not sure why that stopped.

It's mostly politicians who have said that. I've been to a number of community consultation meetings where a politician, city planner, architect, interior designer or somebody else attached to the development industry has said it. I think Miller even used those words. Lots of people paint Toronto as this leading creativity hub but I just wish we'd see more of that in our architecture and city planning.

Here is one example.

You missed the point. He did not say copy that Sydney building. He said build something original, which suggests something different than that picture but just as innovative. I agree, we should be leaders and not followers. People need to stop calling Toronto "The Creative City" until it starts acting like one and tries to be an innovator. We need to stop being so afraid of taking risks.

No, I didn't miss the point at all. However, his provided example may be artistic but, I don't find the concept particularly original. Don't see a lot of function in the details and a total maintenance nightmare. This is not the direction I want our condos heading towards.
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Pics taken Dec 20, 2014




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This must be for part of the proposed parking lot:confused:

Ward 27 - Tor & E.York District

The proposed rezoning would permit a 35-storey residential condominium tower (with a height of 122.3 metres, including mechanical penthouse), containing 629 units as well as 8,996 square metres (96,835 square feet) of non-residential space comprised of retail space on the belowgrade concourse level and the ground and second floors and office uses on the third floor.
Proposed Use --- # of Storeys --- # of Units ---
Type Number Date Submitted Status
Rezoning 14 266298 STE 27 OZ Dec 19, 2014 Under Review
629 units is a lot of units for 35 storeys... not gonna be a thin point tower...
