I wouldn't worry about yellow cladding right now, who knows how long before these conceptual designs become a reality
The "shadowed building" is future development, which is why it is shadowed as it is only intended to show some idea of what will be going there. That is the southeastern block of the subdivision, in which the first picture above shows the entire Parkside Village massing. If you read the staff report that Lourez linked to, you would read that it is "Block 7: Southeastern block corner of the subdivision and contemplated to have two towers (maximum heights of 37 storeys and 45 storeys) and podium heights not to exceed 7 storeys with potential grade related retail and commercial uses along the Confederation Parkway and Burnhamthorpe Road West frontages" (page 10).

I'm aware it's future development. What I want to know is WHAT it is. It looks massive.
Its nothing. Its just to show that there will be development there in the future.

Usually when they draw in buildings like that, it's a representation of what will be there, or what is there already. They get these ideas from somewhere to show the massing of the buildings.
I just think that someone must have an idea of what is going in there eventually, and how big it's going to be.
What I'd like to know is what that huge building is on the left hand side of the last image. The shadowed building that does not exist.
That area is currently a huge empty field as well. *hmmm*

In reality the building shadowed seems to be the AON building from downtown LA - it is entirely a placeholder and not representative of a design, or even a concept design.

Usually when they draw in buildings like that, it's a representation of what will be there, or what is there already. They get these ideas from somewhere to show the massing of the buildings.
I just think that someone must have an idea of what is going in there eventually, and how big it's going to be.

So when developers place their buildings in a forest, it means there will be a park in the development? It means absolutely nothing. It's not the developers project so they wouldn't care about what shows up in the background. They can put the Eiffel tower there if they wanted to. As for massing and height, all of MCC is free of height restrictions. They could add in the tallest building in the world on that spot and it wouldnt represent what would actually be built.
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Usually when they draw in a building that doesn't exist, they make it much smaller looking compared to the buildings the render is advertised for.
Usually when they draw in a building that doesn't exist, they make it much smaller looking compared to the buildings the render is advertised for.

Tuscani01 knows what he is talking about.
It seems like the condo building trend is moving towards Mississauga.With their liberal mayor and many vacant fields plus very little opposition towards hi-rises,i would say it wont take long before you see a couple supertalls in their skyline.
Hazel's scarcely a "liberal mayor", except in strategically un-endorsing the Conservatives whenever she sees fit...
How do "liberal mayors" increase the chance of supertalls being built? Hazel is a liberal mayor?
Hazel's scarcely a "liberal mayor", except in strategically un-endorsing the Conservatives whenever she sees fit...

Yeah, what does a liberal mayor have to do with it. Toronto is the most liberal city on the continent, and Yet we only have one supertall, the CN tower. And Hazel's not liberal.
No I wouldn't have called Hazel either liberal or Liberal. But high-density development in the MCC is not new, it has been under way for a decade now.

The new zoning bylaw eliminated height restrictions in the City Centre. Combining that with the high value of land here, the only development that makes sense is high-rise. At the moment, nothing really "super tall" is on the books, but it won't surprise me to see a 70-storey proposal at some point along the way. If it's well designed, why not?

Parkside Village on the cover of the latest edition of the Condo Guide....scan by Jasonzed over at SSC....there is an even better render on pages 44 and 45 of the same Condo Guide (Feb 2)....hopefully Jason will scan this as well....

Good luck to Amacon in realizing their vision for MCC....
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