Yes, excellent shots. This building sure is making up for a lot of crap on Bay Street! I just love those curved windows - well, all of the glass. I can't remember the last project that used curved glass.
Imagine the possibilities if this kind of curved cladding is applied to the majority (if not the entire) building...

But the purpose of the curved section is to express a different function within the building, surely? It's like the curved, metal-clad roof section at the Four Seasons Centre that expresses where the performance hall is.
can't think of a better word than: EPIC ^

this building (aside from the super high ceilings and street level) can pass as a luxury hotel. with the slick coloured cladding and those curved glass atriums. I can see it now, logo at the top: Mandarin Oriental Toronto :cool:
On Sat, they were relocating the jib crane to take down the 2nd crane either this week or next week, now the first one is gone.

A number of cranes have come down this past week.
The word "terrifying" refers to what in that pic? Kensington at dusk? A really cool building app 1 kilometre away? The oddest post I've come across on this site in the 3 months since I've been a member...
Maybe he meant it's looks terrifying because in that picture it resembles a 3rd world town? Kensington doesn't seem like a very cozy place, to me.
I am not a fan of this building. It's very dreary/muted Toronto where red brick needs to be used to create some classic streetwall.

I do wish it was taller than this ugly smokestack--why can't these be painted cheerful colours?
Heres one of his posts from a few months back. Clearly he's not a fan.
Maybe he meant it's looks terrifying because in that picture it resembles a 3rd world town? Kensington doesn't seem like a very cozy place, to me.
Maybe so, but is Kensington an adjunct to some take on Urbandreamer's appraisal of this project? By posting a picture of this building in the least attractive way possible, what is he/she saying? What exactly is "terrible" about this image UD? Is "Sick Kids" a waste of time 'cause it photographs poorly behind a smokestack?
I don't know. Funny, that smokestack is one of the more pleasing objects in that picture. At least it isn't chipping away like everything else.
Maybe he meant it's looks terrifying because in that picture it resembles a 3rd world town? Kensington doesn't seem like a very cozy place, to me.

You're right! Let's tear it all down and make a stucco strip-mall. Would that make you happy?
