Miller's quote about how "Toronto has grown up a little bit. We don't have to look elsewhere for excellence." shows how easy it is to buy into the self-serving mantra that nothing of any design merit ever happened in our dull little village before certain stararchitects arrived a few years ago to show us how it's done properly.
The rusty cheese is starting to grow on me like a tasty Cambozola mold.

I think the mistake is to look at the rusty side (the back) first. If you look at the front door, the Filmport branded side, and spend some time with (this is called aging the cheese)... it will reveal itself to be a rather handsome and playful building.

Quite tasty in fact.
It's a great design that will draw the eye to the east a little bit past 'L' in the future waterfront postcards. The connection to the city's shipping history through the use of the red steel is a nice touch, I think. My only concern is the public square the faces the glass side of the building, which looks to me like a large parking lot with those white painted lines. I personally doubt the square will look anything like the rendering (after all, the rendering is showcasing the building, not the square), but as it stands now it looks like a 'Torontoesque' surface lot. Maybe this is another attempt by ALsop to harken back to the city's past!?
I'm not a big fan of Alsop, but I loved this the moment I saw it in the Star. The "Cloud" looks absurd and illogical to me, truly a design were the final product could never look like the rendering. It reminds me of the Millennium Dome in London... it would be built and then people would say "and now what do we do with it?". The ultimate expression of hubris in architecture.

This, however, is functional and WILL BE a major landmark. It looks like it's heaving under some sort of a strain. Can't wait to see this go up.
Hey , this looks great and ten times better than what we could have seen.

I love Alsop. My friends from Washington LOVED OCAD.
Imagine....Alsop designs the ROM condo tower--now there's a concept I can wrap my dinosaur around;)

I showed this FilmPort Alsop design to my grandma--she loved it but wondered how it'll look when it's 92 years old. (She hates the ROM btw.)
I like it.....although....some parts seem to me to be a bit simplistic, oddly enough.

Just about everything about it works - I guess my main complaint is with the base, (on the 'red side') where it seems to meet the ground in a dull and unappealingly ordinary kind of way. I'd imagine, though, that this is a first rendering, and that details like the glass strip at ground level could be enlivened up without much ado.
That quibble aside, it actually looks like a whole lot of useful functionalism in one funky package.
Quite good.
I'm really glad we're getting another Alsop. Half a dozen or more would be fine with me!
Maybe he can build a few towers up on Jane N of the 401, to go with Uno Prii's quints
Speaking of that area, does anyone know that Seneca College building NW of Jane + 401? When it was originally built some 15-20 yrs ago, it was intense red and looked like a lump of raw liver. My memory of that goes well with Filmport Alsop

I just hope this doesn't face the same cutbacks and hurdles, which ultimately lead to the OCAD project being scaled down in size and its interior spaces left basically incomplete.

I think generally, from the two glances I took of the rendering before making this post, that the building has a lot of potential- rusting metals, if applied properly and in conjunction with other materials, such as glass, wood and other metals can look amazing not to mention with greenery.

I am interetested to see what the next round of revisions/renderings will look like.

This one will stand out a mile...which is probably the point. I love it. As it says in one of the articles film studios are basically sheds. Well, this shed will have a pretty hot entrance way! More Alsop please!
