Re: Naming

Sucess... I totally get it now. I was wondering why choose that name.

This building will be marketed mainly to chinese exchange students and thier families. And they want their kids to have sucess in school and work. So why not name the building sucess; it makes perfect sense.

If this is a sign of things to come. I dont mind. Its good fung choi!!!!
Re: Naming

SUCCESS is also the name of the immigrant assistance program in Vancouver. Grace Kwok who is the Vancouver marketer for Pinnacle probably played that up that angle as well.
Re: Naming


Let's hope that's not going to be the case. I am not in a rush to hear about the Fertility project.

Re: Naming

officedweller, I knew there was a reason I flunked out of highschool engish. :b

I will likely be in nightschool with the exchange students.
Re: Naming

It's interesting to go into a T&T supermarket and see the names of products that are marketed to the Chinese community - words like Happiness, Prosperity, Lucky, and so on. Is Lucky Condos and 28 Place next?
Re: I make you rich!

Tom Vu Towers?


Re: I make you rich!

I drove by it this weekend and I must agree with Mark it does indeed appear to have started construction.
Re: I make you rich!

Whatever happened to Tom Vu?

Pwofit, pwofit, pwofit!
Re: I make you rich!

I remember watching that guy as a kid. I never missed his infomercials. They were the best. And the babes were so hot.

Ahh what money can buy.
Re: I make you rich!

obviously it wasn't enough to keep him out of prison

How long was he in prison for? As far as I know that's a myth.

Right now he's a pretty successful poker player.

Maybe he'll have poker seminar infomercials soon. I guess we can only hope.
Re: I make you rich!

From the website it appears that this is the tallest tower of the Pinnacle complex... I had originally thought there was a tower planned with ~60+ floors.

AoD do you have a link to any of the original planning documents (the plan has likely been altered since then)? I do seem to recall something in the low 40s (phase 1), at high 20s (phase 2) and then a tower in the 50s and one in the low 60s.
