Re: I make you rich!

Haha. I love how, according to the website, the Gardiner and Lakeshore do not exist. This lovely development is bordered by Queen's Quay and Front, appraently.
Re: I make you rich!

I’ve got to say I’m not a huge fan of the suburban style setup of the grounds, the tower itself looks fine but the style reflects the other towers to close. I know they can’t go for a mish mash of designs but there have got to be more creative options then what we’re getting south of the Gardiner.
Re: I make you rich!

Minutes from downtown, seconds from the Gardiner...if you jump.
Re: I make you rich!

They've just took down the crane for Pinnacle 2. I just happened to be looking at the webcam when they did it so I figured I'd capture the pics and compile them into an animated gif. I have two files (both around 5MB). The first one shows the main arm being taken down and the second shows the back of the crane coming down. The construction crew is easily visible walking around on the arm of the crane detatching things.

Each frame (1/2 second) repesents 1 minute in realtime.

File 1

File 2
Re: I make you rich!

Thanks Cassius. That's very cool.

Look at all those cars going by completely oblivious to all
this activity above.
Re: I make you rich!

Yes, thanks Cassius. Love to watch cranes go up/come down. But it takes so long in real time.

As you can see on this shots, Pinnacle is just tearing down its
selling office and that can mean only one: they just begun preparations for the phase D of the project, at least the



MLS and lower Simcoe:

Did phase D go into sales? What are the details of this building?
whats going on with the success tower? Is it under construction, and wasn't it supposed to be 500+ feet?
Apparently Pinnacle C is 50 + 2 mechanical floors and is going to be ( I believe ) closer to 160 than 150 meters.
Anyway, regardless whether somebody likes it or not,
the Pinnacle cluster will be nice adddition to this area.
Considering the fact that MLS and Tellus are UC too, this
only a few years ago desolate area will finally look properly.

Newest, today shots:


A new selling office in the Pinnacle B:


Just to remaind you how all that area looked:

I remember the days when a mere 30s will solicit so much "ohs" and "ahs" - now we're jaded to shrug off even 50s condos. How times have changed...

