nice angle ... this view is gonna change quite a bit in time with Maple Leaf Square + ICE coming up ... also I see three development sites in this photo, being 60 Harbour (harbour comission building), 90 Harbour (brown 5 storey brick slab), and the surface parking lot west of Waterpark Place office towers on Bay

Wow!!! - Those pictures are bang on!!

Pinnacle Centre is turning into a fine, fine building........

.... we weren't expecting much, a dull slab I guess. But it's a lovely building, with great lines, and exceptional cladding. -

Best of all 16 floors to go!!!
They add an average of 3 floors every two weeks. There are 50 residential floors which includes a 13th floor. I don't know how may additional mechanical floors on top. It should top out by then end of November. My move in date is set for June 30th, 2009
I think it's 54 floors in total and almost 160 Meters high. ( of course I don't know exactly what floor they are on now but figure anywhere from 38-41)

Sept 25 2008 Update



great pics everyone! incase nobody has mentioned it recently, this is going to be the tallest building south of the Gardiner when completed... by the looks of it, might already be the case.
That's a good point. Palace Pier & Palace Place are both 453 feet, Pinnacle Success 1, 516 feet when complete.
I wonder if Mr. "deep pockets" Pinnacle International will emerge as a major Toronto developer during these scary times... afterall, they are one of very few who build on spec and capitalize on the currency of "under construction" when marketing their product.

Throw in a few good architects to the Pinnacle family, and we could have some nice projects to look forward to during the much promised future doggy doo doo days....
