Stop wasting the taxpayers' money, and let the Gardiner Be. Instead, concentrate on beautifying it. Some proposals awhile back had merchant stalls underneath it. At the very least, accept that it is there, and move on. Let us open up the lake via the portlands.
There is a much nicer shot of Success 2 in the new Condoguide then in grey's example. The rendering depicts the tower as the glassiest of the four, without nearly as many concrete panels, and a roof element, which as I said is reminiscent of that on the Trump design.
Success 2 render

Here it is. Looks like about 44-45 floors.
Click for larger views

migtree, I think you've been duped by yet another rendering using the distorted wide angle lens effect often used to exaggerate the angles of boxy, uninteresting towers. It's no different than the other buildings.
Stop wasting the taxpayers' money, and let the Gardiner Be. Instead, concentrate on beautifying it.

I'm sure you could find a small army of people who would think paying for the beautification of the Gardiner would be a waste of taxpayers' money. So why would you want to waste taxpayers' money?
arrr... two sides of the coin :D
Only thing I'm liking is the vertical striping. It's slimming. May end up helping the overall look... similar to the Montage effect.

That's an astute observation. Agreed!

From this morning.

walked all the way up 'X' many floors?
well, it was our second climb of the night, so I think we stopped at about 35 at this one. We could see the base of the crane from the floor we were on.
well, it was our second climb of the night, so I think we stopped at about 35 at this one. We could see the base of the crane from the floor we were on.

So Success 1 is at about the 37th or 38th floor now?
