Excuse me?? - what's wrong of being a booster of this very beautiful city. -

Do you think people want to go to Rio, because everyone down there hates their city?

You should take the good with the bad, but always strive to make things better. -
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Excuse me?? - what's wrong of being a booster of this very beautiful city. -

Do you think people want to go to Rio, because everyone down there hates their city?

You should take the good with the bad, but always strive to make things better. -

Not sure why the RIO example was necessary :)

But I completely agree, I've mentioned that a few times already (although we seemed to have reached a conclusion it was not a Toronto only problem).

Hence I wanted to know his real beef with the project.

Anyway, I'm sure we're getting too off topic now. So here comes a pointless content less post :

Forgetting the building at streetlevel for a second it really makes a big impact from a far in many many locations EAST/WEST ... even some North - around the core!
My point re: the photo: Not all condo buildings (unlike their marketing materials) are beautiful nor urban, infact many of them are like those tacky mcmansions in North York.

The area needs tons of work still--and must follow the Maple Leaf Square-style built form to be successful imho.

To the exact point of the photograph: Is Success really a Success? To a perfectionist like me, no! The real horror show is the massive gaping driveway devoted to the car--when it should have a continuous streetwall and the driveway should be in the back alley (like in the Vancouver condo model.) Sure Success is tall and glamourous-looking approached along the Gardiner Expressway. Sure it adds another 2000 people to the area. But it's still ultimately an urban failure, a reflection of mediocrity.

Do I love Toronto?

It's my home. I want to make it the best and most innovative and comfortable and attractive place as possible.

My ideal condo model? Ideal Condominiums, at College and Bathurst St.
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Not sure why the RIO example was necessary :)


I don't know man, I've been seeing some real hot Brazilian chics lately. - I was watching this show called Rock of Love Bus w/ Bret Micheals and there was this spicy hot Brazilian chic that could down'em whole. Plus my buddy here at work hosts these chic parties at "The Spoke Club" on King west and packs in all these hot Brazilian chicks.......:) So....all i've been thinking about is going down to Brazil.......


I love Success!!

Success is a Success!!
I don't know man, I've been seeing some real hot Brazilian chics lately. - I was watching this show called Rock of Love Bus w/ Bret Micheals and there was this spicy hot Brazilian chic that could down'em whole. Plus my buddy here at work hosts these chic parties at "The Spoke Club" on King west and packs in all these hot Brazilian chicks.......:) So....all i've been thinking about is going down to Brazil.......


I love Success!!

Success is a Success!!

haha!!! I've watched that exact same show ... it's like the 3rd one ... it seems he only sticks with the girls long enough to produce the next season :-D

Success is not bad :p I reallly need to see how they treat the street on the other 3 sides of the project though. Too early to tell.
My point re: the photo: Not all condo buildings (unlike their marketing materials) are beautiful nor urban, infact many of them are like those tacky mcmansions in North York.

The area needs tons of work still--and must follow the Maple Leaf Square-style built form to be successful imho.

To the exact point of the photograph: Is Success really a Success? To a perfectionist like me, no! The real horror show is the massive gaping driveway devoted to the car--when it should have a continuous streetwall and the driveway should be in the back alley (like in the Vancouver condo model.) Sure Success is tall and glamourous-looking approached along the Gardiner Expressway. Sure it adds another 2000 people to the area. But it's still ultimately an urban failure, a reflection of mediocrity.

Do I love Toronto?

It's my home. I want to make it the best and most innovative and comfortable and attractive place as possible.

My ideal condo model? Ideal Condominiums, at College and Bathurst St.

Interesting ... but what's the back alley in this case exactly?

Clearly they avoided putting anything on Yonge, where do you suggest it should have went?

I love Success!!

Success is a Success!!

While we may want keep the forum clean and concise, dreamer raises some excellent points. There are huge problems with the Success complex and it is important to discuss them in more detail. It's a great addition to the city, but that does not mean it's flawless. In other words, just saying that Success is a success doesn't make it so.
It seems perfectly normal to become weary of dreary. There are examples of blind boosterism in the forum, however the reverse pov is not automatically more legitimate. There is always the danger of false bravado namely "willingness to criticize = more objective/informed/expert". Eh Mr. Hume?
Agreed, but the picture which accompanied dreamer's post showed some pretty dreadful 'urbanism.' False bravado or not, it's criticism, not backslapping which increases the quality of future projects in this city.
3D's quote is from the Corus thread, but since a response there would have been off topic, I moved it here. I hope you don't mind 3D.

Beautiful shot. Proof positive that blue sky (like today) can make an occasional cameo appearance in a snapshot.

I'm curious to see how the mechanical floors on Success will be resolved (the render had a flat mortar board hat rather than the terracing/layers seen in the pic).

This shot from mid-2007 shows some variation...

Agreed, but the picture which accompanied dreamer's post showed some pretty dreadful 'urbanism.' False bravado or not, it's criticism, not backslapping which increases the quality of future projects in this city.

I'm sorry but can you explain what's so terrible about that picture.

All we see is an undeveloped parking lot along with the back of an unfinished building? Am I missing something.
I really don't get what is so terrible about the photo either. It was a dreary day. Toronto has dreary days. The picture is not flattering, but it's also honest.
Brutally honest
