Unsurprising. I knew from day one that this would just wait the 120 days and file. The sad thing is that planning wasn't completely hostile to the development.
Hello all... new here.

I live directly north of this proposed property, in those dark shadowy bits in the rendering... Does anybody have thoughts on what, if any, compensation would be offered in relation to losses to property value (no more sun in our courtyard!), necessary air rights (for views and/or fire protection requirements), construction noise/dust/inconvenience, etc.?

We (our condo board) has a committee to investigate such things, but I'm curious if there are those with experience in this sort of development. Thanks.
Oh good.... is there a longer version?

Specifically on the topic of air rights: Based on the rendering, the whole north side of the building is windows. Don't they need the air rights to prevent a developer from building on our lot, and blocking their northern views?
No, they don't need any "air rights" from adjacent lots. If a developer owned your lot and wanted to build something that blocked their northern views, provided it meets the planning requirements, there would be nothing to stop them.

In short: no one in Ontario has a property right to prevent or affect development of any other property.

Your only recourse is through public advocacy to affect the planning process, as it is the City that can provide site plan approval, as well as make zoning and official plan amendments.
Oh good.... is there a longer version?

Specifically on the topic of air rights: Based on the rendering, the whole north side of the building is windows. Don't they need the air rights to prevent a developer from building on our lot, and blocking their northern views?

Seriously, I would advise your condo board to talk to a professional planner. They can help you out on these matters, as they get very complicated.
Thanks. I know our board has talked to planners, lawyers, city officials, etc. I was just curious if there's anything they might have missed.

A fire protection engineer did tell me they can buy air rights in lieu of certain fire protection (sprinklers over each window), because they're so close. If we were to build up, those levels would no longer be up to code.
Hopefully your condo board will have standing at the OMB.

I live down the street, so I'm not directly affected by this proposal, but really don't like the shadowing over Allan Gardens - 25-30 storey max is appropriate here; 50 storeys is a bad precedent at this location.
Thanks. I know our board has talked to planners, lawyers, city officials, etc. I was just curious if there's anything they might have missed.

A fire protection engineer did tell me they can buy air rights in lieu of certain fire protection (sprinklers over each window), because they're so close. If we were to build up, those levels would no longer be up to code.

That would be correct, the minimum setback is 5.5m, which is not provided. They A) have to sprinkler all windows facing a property line that is less than 5.5m away, or B) reach something called a Limiting Distance Agreement with the adjacent property owner (you)
Hopefully your condo board will have standing at the OMB.

I live down the street, so I'm not directly affected by this proposal, but really don't like the shadowing over Allan Gardens - 25-30 storey max is appropriate here; 50 storeys is a bad precedent at this location.
This may be useful: https://www.omb.gov.on.ca/stellent/groups/public/@abcs/@www/@omb/documents/webasset/ec156907.pdf
Being a Party can be quite expensive as one needs to have 'qualifications' - being a participant is easier and cost-free. (Though, in my experience, rather useless!)
I wouldn't call CentreCourt an experienced developer. Have you looked at the quality of their buildings?
I live in a CenterCourt building now - it's brand new - and i have to say i'm very unimpressed with it. Thankfully this is just short-term and i'm just renting for the year and will be out of there. But i would not call them experienced either. lackluster...
Absolutely, their quality of finishing is inferior. Everything is lipstick, all about image but little for residents. They cut corners in every way possible and it is evident if you look closely. I shudder to think if they are continuing this standard of quality with their other projects including Axis, Transit City and now Zen King West. They work very hard in presenting pretty front with savvy marketing but if you look through it, it's all image building with little to substantiate it. This is from a CenterCourt resident owner. Contact me and I would be more than happy to send you media or show you through my unit.
Absolutely, their quality of finishing is inferior. Everything is lipstick, all about image but little for residents. They cut corners in every way possible and it is evident if you look closely. I shudder to think if they are continuing this standard of quality with their other projects including Axis, Transit City and now Zen King West. They work very hard in presenting pretty front with savvy marketing but if you look through it, it's all image building with little to substantiate it. This is from a CenterCourt resident owner. Contact me and I would be more than happy to send you media or show you through my unit.
I'm thinking of buying a unit at Zen, which project did you buy from?
