Don't forget 300 Front. They can do good work - but I find the quality of their output varying a lot more than their sister firm aA.


Interestingly enough aA's main slip up, Alter Condos is right beside Wallman's biggest mishap, 365 Church. I wonder how much better Form on Beverley would have been if it wasn't a Tridel project. For their upcoming work, I personally don't find 55C to be the most inspired design, but with it being a MOD project it should end up looking solid in terms of materials and execution at least.
A zoom-in and flyover:

Toronto Model 06-17-20 200 Queens Quay W.png
Koops65, can you show the skyline further back from the islands, the classic postcard view?
Ugh, this is so boring. Where is the DESIGN!? Something right on the waterfront like this needs to be more than just another boxy condo with balconies all the way to the top. This is a location that has the opportunity to do something special, and this is what they come up with?
My thought on the proposed cladding, and I really hope it turns out to be right, is that it is similar to what was done on the podium levels of 60 Colborne.
It won't look like that. This is certainly not as bad as I was thinking it was going to be, but at the end of the day, aA + Freed > Wallman + Lifetime...
Might as well make the tower go up to 91 from 71 storeys and shrink the other tower down 20 . Creating some breathing room for the three towers behind this development. Because the tower is all ready going to creat a shadow being at the same height as those other high skyscrapers! I would be nice to see some height differential between towers as you can see in Koop's photo above !
Bravo AlbertC for the epic photo tour of downtown today. ^ the shot above is my fav - the pic is both timely and reason enough to uncross my fingers re: QQW Wallman/Lifetime.

Quick questions:
1. What is the top speed of your hover-board?
2. Does your camera have shutter voice command? Otherwise I figure 2 days of finger cramping.
3. Did you really take all these shots or just download them from the world wild web.

Bravo AlbertC for the epic photo tour of downtown today. ^ the shot above is my fav - the pic is both timely and reason enough to uncross my fingers re: QQW Wallman/Lifetime.

Quick questions:
1. What is the top speed of your hover-board?
2. Does your camera have shutter voice command? Otherwise I figure 2 days of finger cramping.
3. Did you really take all these shots or just download them from the world wild web.


Nothing extra needed my friend, other than the motivation and longing for walking around downtown after being cooped up working from home for weeks.

Thankfully I left early enough in the morning, and that I could take a pit stop at my office to gulp down a couple glasses of water. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't have made it for the return leg home. 😅

Event Information: 200 Queens Quay West - Community Consultation Meeting

Date and time:Tuesday, January 12, 2021 7:00 pm
Eastern Standard Time (Toronto, GMT-05:00)
Change time zone
Duration:1 hour 30 minutes
This Zoning By-law Amendment application proposes to demolish the existing parking structure and replace it with a mixed-use development of residential and retail uses including two towers at 41 and 71 storeys, 1,482 dwelling units (including 110 affordable rental units), 483 square metres of retail floor area, and open space areas at 200 Queens Quay West.
The application also proposes to remove development requirements including recreational parking spaces with respect to 200 Queens Quay West and the adjacent properties at 208 and 218 Queens Quay West and 8 York Street. The application also proposes to amend the Zoning By-law parking provisions for properties at 207, 208, 211, 218, 228 and 230 Queens Quay West for parking spaces that are currently situated within the existing parking structure at 200 Queens Quay West.
