That is still not too bad: I work at home, alone, everyday. There are advantages, but my god the lack of human interaction can be draining. These spaces at QRC are nice and open, ready for...what's that buzzword...ah, yes...synergizing.

Yea, I actually choose to come in even though I have the option to work from home. I just need that phsyical interaction.
How are the creative businesses doing in this new building? Wasn't there some major lockout or something mentioned last year, but I don't think the outcome was mentioned here.
How are the creative businesses doing in this new building? Wasn't there some major lockout or something mentioned last year, but I don't think the outcome was mentioned here.

I think the company went under but the remainder of the lease was taken over.

We've decided to create a separate thread to follow QRC Phase Two, so recent posts concerning it are now here.

Drilling today:

