Not nearly as bad as it first opened - I think they ended up having to install barriers of some kind as a stop-gap elsewhere along the line.


Its still pretty bad. With some light cycles, you get 2-3 cars driving into the ROW, and then all reversing into oncoming traffic when they realize what they have done. I've seen it happen pretty frequently. The flexi-post that is put on the end of the curb barely lasts a day when it gets replaced! I don't even think they are replacing it anymore.
Consider this:

Toronto has streetcar lanes that are not separated and are shared with vehicles (King, Queen, Dundas, etc).

Toronto has streetcar lanes that *are* fully separated and *not* shared with vehicles (Spadina, St Clair).

And then Toronto has streetcar lanes that are *not* fully separated and *not* shared with vehicles (the new Queen's Quay).

To me this is a cause for confusion to non-residents / people that haven't had a time to acclimatize to the new QQ / tourists.

Can we not conceive that a driver that just encounters the new QQ would believe they can drive on the streetcar lane as they do on King, Queen, Dundas, etc?

A curb that separates the ROW on QQ would clearly solve the problem.
Furthermore, there are no lane or road markers on any streetcar lanes to indicate that they are off-limits. The various road surfaces are just varying shades of black and gray.
Some information coming out of executive committee according to Don Peat from the Toronto Sun:

Tory will be going to the Federal and Provincial Governments in to lobby for funding for the next phase of Waterfront development (1/3rd each level). He is also supporting WatefrontToronto's request for the ability to take out a line of credit.
Ideally the confusion will ultimately discourage drivers from using this road at all. It's a shame there are even two lanes for cars along there. I would much prefer a single one way lane (I don't care whether it's east or west) along all of QQ. Use the other lane for additional bike or pedestrian travel not cars. Cars can use Lakeshore. As if 8 lanes a block north aren't enough.
Sign changes aim to clean up Queens Quay traffic confusion

Diana Hall Staff Reporter, Published on Tue Jun 30 2015

As blunders plague drivers, cyclists and pedestrians alike along the newly revitalized Queens Quay, clarity is coming, according to Waterfront Toronto.

The agency behind the re-design, in consultation with the TTC and the city of Toronto, has announced changes to signs and street markings after studies on traffic behaviour — and recent Star reports — identified a host of driver mistakes along the mixed-use boulevard.

“Obviously there have been some people expressing some concern about what the traffic is doing, and we're working on it,” said Andrew Hilton, director of communications and engagement at Waterfront Toronto.

In a website post Tuesday, the organization confirmed plans for changes such as do-not-enter signs at the streetcar right-of-way, bike stencils as warnings for pedestrians to stay off the Martin Goodman Trail, and more illegal-turn signs at intersections — all to be in place next week.

Since the revamped Queens Quay officially opened June 19, drivers have been making frantic three-point-turns and swerving in and out of the streetcar path before settling into their proper lanes. Drivers have also been making illegal left-hand turns.

“There's some motorists that are having difficulty following the signs and signals, so we want to make sure that everybody can use the street safely,” Hilton said.

That’s where some of the changes, such as removing confusing dotted white lines to the Harbour Square laneway at York St., come in. The changes are meant to make navigating Queens Quay easier for drivers unfamiliar with the street’s design, which Hilton described as “pretty distinct in Toronto.” But adjusting to infrastructure changes is a shared responsibility, he added. “Motorists just need to pay attention to the signage. They just need to drive very prudently.”

Other changes in the works:

  • Cues to cyclists: 20 km/h speed limit signs; “Stop here on red” markings, “slow, watch for turning vehicles” signs
  • Cues to cars: “watch for cyclists and pedestrians” signs; signage identifying the Harbour Square laneway
  • Fine-tuning cameras that control traffic signals to improve traffic flow; more starburst signs to remind users of changes to the street
Why can't Toronto use grass for its streetcar (and eventually light-rail) right-of-ways?




Ideally the confusion will ultimately discourage drivers from using this road at all. It's a shame there are even two lanes for cars along there. I would much prefer a single one way lane (I don't care whether it's east or west) along all of QQ. Use the other lane for additional bike or pedestrian travel not cars. Cars can use Lakeshore. As if 8 lanes a block north aren't enough.

I am sure local residents and businesses would not like that - it's a compromise. Seriously, the best way to to deal with the issue is slow the traffic down and let drivers know they are entering an area where pedestrians, cyclists and other uses will mix.

Some information coming out of executive committee according to Don Peat from the Toronto Sun:

Tory will be going to the Federal and Provincial Governments in to lobby for funding for the next phase of Waterfront development (1/3rd each level). He is also supporting WatefrontToronto's request for the ability to take out a line of credit.

That is great news though frankly unexpected. Tory's close affiliation with Minnan-Wong, his decidedly anti-waterfront position on the Gardiner and his interest in seeing the island airport expanded had me thinking he would simply let waterfront revitalization end at the inauguration of Queens Quay. I'm pleasantly surprised but I'm still guarded about his intentions.

If funded, Waterfront Toronto will be able to build the foot bridges, remaining wave decks, extend the Queens Quay redevelopment to Parliament, and build HTO Park North and an iconic park at the foot of Yonge Street . The Waterfront LRT looks likely to be funded soon independent of waterfront budgets.
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Why can't Toronto use grass for its streetcar (and eventually light-rail) right-of-ways?

... because people in Toronto are so inept (apparently to some) that they'd assume without thinking that grass = picnic area. You know how Toronto likes its grassy parkland!
... because people in Toronto are so inept (apparently to some) that they'd assume without thinking that grass = picnic area. You know how Toronto likes its grassy parkland!

The reason was stated previously - i.e. Fire and EMS objection. Apparently some Torontonians have trouble reading, and it's not just limited to signage.

The next question to be asked is how those other cities survive without any fire or EMS services.
That is great news though frankly unexpected. Tory's close affiliation with Minnan-Wong, his decidedly anti-waterfront position on the Gardiner and his interest in seeing the island airport expanded had me thinking he would simply let waterfront revitalization end at the inauguration of Queens Quay. I'm pleasantly surprised but I'm still guarded about his intentions.

If funded, Waterfront Toronto will be able to build the foot bridges, remaining wave decks, extend the Queens Quay redevelopment to Parliament, and build HTO Park North and an iconic park at the foot of Yonge Street . The Waterfront LRT looks likely to be funded soon independent of waterfront budgets.

Another thing Tory mentioned at that meeting was that nice things cost money, and he is a fan of what Waterfront Toronto has done to date. Seems like he is really trying to fight the naysayers on the waterfront file.

At the same time, an audit of Waterfront Toronto's spending during the first phase was also approved. If improper spending is found, I wonder if it will change Tory's current stance.
At the same time, an audit of Waterfront Toronto's spending during the first phase was also approved. If improper spending is found, I wonder if it will change Tory's current stance.

I think he is trying to play both sides of the game - claiming support while getting his underling DMW to do the dirty work. It might be also be a way to gain leverage against the WT board - something more subtle than the Fraud's approach to just take over. Remember, all this is in the context of the Sunlight/First Gulf lands and the chi-chi relationship between his worship and said groups, and how WT is fundamentally involved in public works that will unlock said property.

