Again, just to state it perhaps more clearly than it has been previously, most people who tend to know about this sort of thing assume that this is a simple zone and flip exercise, rendering this concern largely irrelevant.
Fingers crossing for the space getting designated for parks only...and LPAT shuts this down
Safdie video:

I'll ignore the zone and flip lobby for at least 2 days 'cause that's literally most beautiful thing I've seen on these boards. I even want to meet those lucky render people. Shocker: those sci-fi Safdie monuments actually have a human scale built form at grade! Who thunk of that?

Thanks for posting.

Fingers crossing for the space getting designated for parks only...and LPAT shuts this down
Yeah, that's not going to happen. COVID has put the City in a precarious financial position so they're certainly not going to be outlaying multiple billions to construct a park here. It's just not going to happen, no matter what Cressy or Tory tell you...
They could designate it, leave it as is and build when they have money. Doesn't mean this year.
They already designated it as park but that doesn't stop the private application from moving forward. If the City wants to protect the air space for Rail Deck Park, they will have to buy or expropriate.
Yeah, that's not going to happen. COVID has put the City in a precarious financial position so they're certainly not going to be outlaying multiple billions to construct a park here. It's just not going to happen, no matter what Cressy or Tory tell you...
Nice bit of science fiction, touché? :)
They already designated it as park but that doesn't stop the private application from moving forward. If the City wants to protect the air space for Rail Deck Park, they will have to buy or expropriate.
Why doesn't the city and ORCA work together to exchange this property for another . Instead of fighting and wasting tax payers money. I believe there's some excellent strip of property south of the future East Harbour development on Lake Shore East Boulevard. Perfect place for them to develope multiple skyscrapers. Right next to the new future financial district. Or at least let them team up with the city. To develop a one or two levels of public parking, comercial or leisure venture sandwiched above the rail lands and under the park. To create comercial revenue for them and the city. This would be one good way to help kick start these deck parks that could span from the CNE to the East Harbour development. Having private and the city work together .
Why doesn't the city and ORCA work together to exchange this property for another . Instead of fighting and wasting tax payers money. I believe there's some excellent strip of property south of the future East Harbour development on Lake Shore East Boulevard. Perfect place for them to develope multiple skyscrapers. Right next to the new future financial district. Or at least let them team up with the city. To develop a one or two levels of public parking, comercial or leisure venture sandwiched above the rail lands and under the park. To create comercial revenue for them and the city. This would be one good way to help kick start these deck parks that could span from the CNE to the East Harbour development. Having private and the city work together .
Great idea lets hope our politicians are half as woke
Why doesn't the city and ORCA work together to exchange this property for another . Instead of fighting and wasting tax payers money. I believe there's some excellent strip of property south of the future East Harbour development on Lake Shore East Boulevard. Perfect place for them to develope multiple skyscrapers. Right next to the new future financial district. Or at least let them team up with the city. To develop a one or two levels of public parking, comercial or leisure venture sandwiched above the rail lands and under the park. To create comercial revenue for them and the city. This would be one good way to help kick start these deck parks that could span from the CNE to the East Harbour development. Having private and the city work together .
I'd say let the developer build density, but try to negotiate maximum parkland as part of the development but also try to secure some Section 37 funds to invest in the other parks around the city.

I know this is probably a pipe dream.. but I think a large part of the lack of access to parkland problem the city has can be solved or reduced greatly by constructing a pedestrian and transit bridge from downtown to the Toronto Islands. The Islands are a huge parkland asset to the city that is very under utilized (from the unfair leases on the houses that sit on the island as well as the park design and ecological preservation). The bridge could possible be done from either the Portlands (Extend the Broadview/Cherry Street Car route) or from Bathurst and Queens Quay area (Extend the Bathurst Street car route). Or both..

Take a look at the size of the islands compared to the billion dollar knockoff highline the city wants to create.

If you look closely I believe the property is the green long strip of land sandwiched between above Lake Shore Boulevard East and East Harbour land. As you can see in the your view attachment above. I don't know if East Harbour has bought it or not. But from what's going to happen in this area that's prime property! P.S. I WAS JUST MAKING A STATEMENT ABOUT THE SITUATION GOING ON BETWEEN THE TWO PARTIES ! Maybe the city has other properties it can sell with the density included for exchange.
I'd say let the developer build density, but try to negotiate maximum parkland as part of the development but also try to secure some Section 37 funds to invest in the other parks around the city.

I know this is probably a pipe dream.. but I think a large part of the lack of access to parkland problem the city has can be solved or reduced greatly by constructing a pedestrian and transit bridge from downtown to the Toronto Islands. The Islands are a huge parkland asset to the city that is very under utilized (from the unfair leases on the houses that sit on the island as well as the park design and ecological preservation). The bridge could possible be done from either the Portlands (Extend the Broadview/Cherry Street Car route) or from Bathurst and Queens Quay area (Extend the Bathurst Street car route). Or both..

Take a look at the size of the islands compared to the billion dollar knockoff highline the city wants to create.

View attachment 280938
Not only will there not be a cent of Section 37 funds from this development available for other parks in the city, but this development would suck up funds that have been set aside from other developments: that green space is not being built without hundreds of millions from City coffers. Certainly a development here would allow the park deck to be built for less public funding, but it would still cost the City.

Not only will there not be a cent of Section 37 funds from this development available for other parks in the city, but this development would suck up funds that have been set aside from other developments: that green space is not being built without hundreds of millions from City coffers. Certainly a development here would allow the park deck to be built for less public funding, but it would still cost the City.


Even if we let them reach for the stars on density? It does go through the heart of the city 😥
