i always thought it was kind of pretty.... it could have used a touch up but it would have been nice to include it somehow into the condo

Correct me if im wrong, but i still believe that they are going to include a repro facade and RCMI offices/gallery in this condo development.
7 November 2010: A Tribute to the Germans?


Defeat sucks.
Are they just clearing the site of the exisiting building or have they started construction? Not sure if this one should be in the site prep stage.
Are they just clearing the site of the exisiting building or have they started construction? Not sure if this one should be in the site prep stage.

I didn't have a chance to see over the hoarding, but everyday for the last few weeks I've noticed a single backhoe scurrying around the site, presumably scooping away the debris seen in the above photo.
Application: Partial Permit Status: Not Started

Location: 426 UNIVERSITY AVE

Ward 20: Trinity-Spadina

Application#: 10 153762 STR 00 PP Accepted Date: Dec 7, 2010

Project: Mixed Use/Res w Non Res Partial Permit - Structural Framing

Description: Part Permit - Construction of a new 42 storey high rise building with residential and assembly occupancies. 36 stories of this building will be residential units and storey's 1 thru 6 will be assembly occupancies. There are also 4 below grade parking levels. The ROYAL CANADIAN MILITARY INSTITUTE / TRIBUTE COMMUNITIES CONDOMINIUM building will be a 42 storey mixed use development consisting of Royal Canadian Military Institute (RCMI) assembly space (Group A, Division 2 major occupancy with Group D subsidiary offices occupancies) on the Ground to 6th Floors while the remaining 7th through 42nd Floors will consist of residential condominium suites (Group C major occupancy). Four underground levels will be provided beneath the residential building for tenant storage, bicycle storage, and vehicle parking. The building will be protected throughout by electronically supervised automatic sprinkler protection.
Based on the hack job they did during the demo, I am afraid that much of the old building was not saved, but I hope I am wrong.

I personally think that these building replicas are pointless, just like movie sets or Disney themeparks.
I agree that all building reproductions never look quite right. Nothing could ever replicate the patina old buildings develop over decades (or a century) of weather and environmental exposure.
Based on the hack job they did during the demo, I am afraid that much of the old building was not saved, but I hope I am wrong.

Following the photos above, I see a torn up RCMI on Nov 7 and a flattened RCMI Nov 13. I'm pretty sure we will not be seeing any part of the original.
Or, maybe, "parts" (incl. select resurrected interiors?) at most, a la the Windsor Arms...
Terrible. The whole thing is like a kind of sadistic joke against the terms "restoration" and "preservation".
I don't know what's worse - the gross level that that facadism has sunk to, or the peculiar bureaucratic and cultural insanity that sustains it.
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At this point I'd rather they design a proper base, and scrap the rebuilt facade entirely. Besides, the RCMI has been broken ever since the balcony was enclosed and the exterior covered in that horrible stucco; very little of its dignity remained. Resorting to a 'pick and choose' style of heritage preservation isn't a good way to go, but in this case I support putting the building out of its misery.
