Geeeeezzzzzzzz no wonder this place is so negative.

Well, when you're older you have the benefit of experience and perspective. You don't get excited about every little thing that you see. Negative? Nah, I'd say Dame Edna just sees things a little clearer. Being in a candy store for the first time is fun, but the novelty eventually wears off. If you like candy, you're still interested, but you also know that there's a pastry shop down the road! ;)
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Well, when you're older you have the benefit of experience and perspective. You don't get excited about every little thing that you see. Negative? Nah, I'd say Dame Edna just sees things a little clearer. Being in a candy store for the first time is fun, but the novelty eventually wears off. If you like candy, you're still interested, but you also know that there's a pastry shop down the road! ;)

very well said, I /49/ agree with you %100

and at the same time hope that steveve continues to be as enthusiastic as before
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ziess and steveve thanks for your kind words.. and ziess dont think i dont appriciate those high level captures you get from your harbourside apartment
and steveve i must admit you are 80% of the reason i post here.... your reactions make me laugh..
ziess and steveve thanks for your kind words.. and ziess dont think i dont appriciate those high level captures you get from your harbourside apartment
and steveve i must admit you are 80% of the reason i post here.... your reactions make me laugh..

Yes, I enjoy Steveve's fresh perspective on things. It's nice to see young people who care about their city!
Well, when you're older you have the benefit of experience and perspective. You don't get excited about every little thing that you see. Negative? Nah, I'd say Dame Edna just sees things a little clearer. Being in a candy store for the first time is fun, but the novelty eventually wears off. If you like candy, you're still interested, but you also know that there's a pastry shop down the road! ;)

There was a study done a few years ago ( can't find it online, unfortunately ) of how people of different ages observed a hockey game - it concluded that younger people were more aware of who was controlling the puck at any given moment, whereas older people were more aware of the "bigger picture" general direction of the game. Given the age demographic of this forum ( see Poll section ), it would be surprising if the general tone of the posts isn't more in line with the former approach than the latter. I think most people move through similar transitions in how we evaluate the world, otherwise we'd all end up as rather sad cases of arrested development - no sensible person would wish that on anyone. That said, I recall my first year of art school: we late-teenagers were encouraged to reconnect with our environment in a more childlike way, throw out preconceptions, and question, question, question. That approach can continue throughout life.
Simple question I asked over at SSP and got the usual goofball answers from smart-alecks...

I know this is a residential building and those windows are not cleaned as often as commercial windows but... How will the windows of the south facade be washed exactly?

A scaffold from the roof would only get father away from the glass the lower you went. And as the window washers applied force it would swing the stage farther away from the glass.

Anchoring the platform from below on the skydeck would not work. No amount of tensile force (Pulling at the bottom of the platform) would hold a scaffold against the glass. The physics of this is all wrong.

Although educated guesses are welcome... I'd still like to hear the definitive answer from an insider at the Ritz.
This is just my guess, but the obvious answer would be a set of tracks on the southwest and southeast corners, with the window-washing platform attached, either directly if full width, or indirectly via a set of ropes if not full width, to the tracks (and the regular vertical ropes to control the height).
This is just my guess, but the obvious answer would be a set of tracks on the southwest and southeast corners, with the window-washing platform attached, either directly if full width, or indirectly via a set of ropes if not full width, to the tracks (and the regular vertical ropes to control the height).

Yes this would work but there is no evidence of tracks anywhere on the south curtain wall. No matter how many photographs I have magnified, the glass is just glass. And a full width platform???? Where would this be stored exactly?
Another possibility would be suction cups (to keep the platform against the windows, while its weight would be almost entirely supported by the usual vertical ropes).
