by me

I never really liked the Ritz as viewed from the South...

It seems kinda plain, boring, and fat!

*I DO like the skylobby though... it's sweet.
They should have used the same glass on the south side as they have on the north.


Also, the lower section of the south side is the same glass as the north side... I don't like it that half of the south side is clad in different glass/patterns as the top portion of the building... Looks... weird!
Looks like one of those 70s Portman-style things, with the revolving restaurant sticking out the side
The south elevation has on integrated window washing track in some vertical mullins from the top to the 23rd to hold the swingstage securely to the wall.
From the 20th floor down to the ground there are retractable treaded stainless steel buttons. Remember the slope at the top of the bldg. is in line with the lower portion.
The stage is designed to reach every window other than the podium.

I haven't been to that intersection in a long time (since october)...

The Ritz is having an astonishing impact and it keeps on growing!

I'm really gonna miss that view when Shangri-la is built... But screw it!... Shangri-la owns!
gorgeous shot even if it is a bit out of date... I am seriously going to have to cough up the $35 or whatever it is to get up the CN next spring.
gorgeous shot even if it is a bit out of date... I am seriously going to have to cough up the $35 or whatever it is to get up the CN next spring.

It's less than that, only like $20 something :)
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