booo! its all about the logos! someone please remind me if there is any lighting on this one at night... if not that makes 2 missed opportunities.
Considering the new market they just entered and the 3 other direct competitors about to go head to head with the ritz, it's probably a better investment not to pay for signage if they feel there is a chance they might do really poorly throughout the first 5 years. Maybe the building will be a different hotel chain in 2016. And that being said, the Ritz logo can always be added later.... which I, too, would love to see lighting up our skyline!! :)
From St. Andrews Club

Great photo, Geekaroo. I'm really shocked at the missed opportunity for a green roof on the podium! Why did they decide against it? It would've been perfect for a 5 star hotel!

You get your wish Steveveveveve: there will be no logos on the Ritz-Carlton. We got the word on that today.


That is really sad news.
You get your wish Steveveveveve: there will be no logos on the Ritz-Carlton. We got the word on that today.


Was any reason given? Unusual decision.

Apparently the decision was made a couple of years ago, and the person who told us was not absolutely certain of the reason anymore. I'd rather not print the speculation as to why, so we will try to get a definitive answer.

Actually, now that i think of it, Four Seasons scrapped their logo and Shangri-la doesn't have a logo (well... maybe just an S at the top), so i don't think these guys are worrying about logos that much. could it be because they're all both hotel and condo? cause condo/residential buildings usually don't have logos...

Trump toronto believe, won't have a lit logo, but built of shiny letters at the very very top.
In a business sense this move of not having a logo is a bad move, most people will walk by and not notice this building much because it looks like an average condo, but if they had a logo, well that would of changed everything.

not to mention the terminate-r
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In a business sense this move of not having a logo is a bad move, most people will walk by and not notice this building much because it looks like an average condo, but if they had a logo, well that would of changed everything.

yup. logos do just that.
but with all this said, i don't think people choose hotels based on that. most people will have booked their room well in advance so there's no need to "look" for a hotel with a logo. i understand that it makes it recognizable to people walking by, but from a money making standpoint, it won't really effect things...
I am very suprised by the decision.

In fact, contrary to what Johnwood said, I am not sure people will even walk by it and realize it is a condo. As there are no balconies and no opening windows, I think a lot of people walking by not being informed that it is the Ritz Residences might actually mistake this for an office tower and possibly as part of the RBC Dexia "complex".

The "S" at the top is the Shangrila logo so it will have a logo. I guess Trump however won't at the top of the building. Does anyone know whether 4S will have a logo and if so, will it be only on the taller of the 2 buildings where the hotel is?
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A senior personnel at the Ritz informed me that the logo installation would be worked out within six months. Senior management, together with marketing, is working towards a compromise on what to do.

So, unless the CEO of Ritz-Carlton told you there wouldn't be a logo, I wouldn't conclude just yet...

Remember: KPMG installed their logo almost a year or so after the building was complete.

Who specifically said their would be no logo? Senior management has told me differently.
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I have been at other Ritz around the world and this is a disappointment in terms of the exterior look and interior design. I was expecting more.
A senior personnel at the Ritz informed me that the logo installation would be worked out within six months. Senior management, together with marketing, is working towards a compromise on what to do.

So, unless the CEO of Ritz-Carlton told you there wouldn't be a logo, I wouldn't conclude just yet...

Remember: KPMG installed their logo almost a year or so after the building was complete.

Who specifically said their would be no logo? Senior management has told me differently.

From Steve Gutfreund, Senior Vice President at Graywood Development: "This is the first of a new and softer Ritz brand. The image is intended to convey discreet sophistication, not in your face. As for the sign at the top of the tower, it was decided to leave it off for now and revisit it at a later date."
I would be very surprised and disappointed to not see a logo on the building. Go figure, we get a Ritz in Toronto, and nobody will know. *sigh*
