
looks like they gave the rbc roof an exaggerated slant to match the actual slant of the ritz.
maybe a little tricky rendering there.
the actual roof line of rbc should be more horizontal.
Thanks, guys. Here's another. Gotta say, that park outside Metro Hall is looking pretty sad. I guess we should consider ourselves lucky that Nathan Phillips Square is made of concrete.

It looks better in the photo above this one, plus in a month it will look so much better once it comes to life.
It looks better in the photo above this one, plus in a month it will look so much better once it comes to life.

What do you expect ... it's called winter.

That's a very well used park in the summer - a few events are hosted their as well. It's in pretty good shape overall actually - the grass takes a beating though but there's not much that can be done regarding that.
17 April 2009 photo update

Damn it, both RBC & Ritz look amazing from that park! The park isn't too bad as well, so here's a shot I took Friday afternnoon as the office workers called it a day:

The park looked great years ago, but I think it looks like a mess these days. I wish the parks department had money in their budgets for re-sodding pitiful yellow grass that's been dead for years. I realise it's winter, but some of those stick trees aren't going to grow many leaves. It's not just this park... Clarence Square, Victoria, so many others... At least those ones are getting money from developers of surrounding projects for improvements.

I hope that condo planned across the street injects some money into this park.
wow that podium is looking really nice. thx for the shots urbandreamer

On Good Friday I was in Toronto. Pictures don't do this building justice. You have to see it in person to appreciate its proportions. Seeing it all suspended over the sidewalk is quite an impressive sight.
On Good Friday I was in Toronto. Pictures don't do this building justice. You have to see it in person to appreciate its proportions. Seeing it all suspended over the sidewalk is quite an impressive sight.
I agree, every time i come into toronto on the gardener i feel so overwelmed at the size of everything but just like that (althought the podium looks great in photos anyways) whenever anyone takes photos of the skyline or buildings it just dosent feel so big and interesting as it would if you were right beside it Imo.
I agree, every time i come into toronto on the gardener i feel so overwelmed at the size of everything but just like that (althought the podium looks great in photos anyways) whenever anyone takes photos of the skyline or buildings it just dosent feel so big and interesting as it would if you were right beside it Imo.

I find this very true of CityPlace. It is so much more dense looking in person than it does in any of the pictures.
the crane above the ritz (fittingly) looks like the glowing holy grail above the castle in monty python. brilliant, i can't wait until ritz takes its proper place in the skyline.
Calling Metro Hall a park couldn't be more wrong in the first place. It is at most a plaza similar to TD Centre or Commerce Court with the standard retail concourse and parking underneath.
