Would a stepback between the old building facade and the new be too much to ask?
Well friends in ottawa told me that oxford started construction on constitution phase 3 before they announced it, but eveyone knew what was going on. It took them about a month before the annouced they started constuction.
I emailed the president of Priestly Demolition. My exact question to him was:

I live dowtown and was just curious about a Priestly Demolition sign hanging from a the side of a building (I think it's the "concourse buliding"). When will this be demolished?


His exact reponse was:

Within the next 3 weeks
have a good one.
Top floor of the Winston's building is gone.

As for the Concourse building I can't see it coming down in three weeks. There are still tenents in the building including the ground floor coffee shop.
Your right Ed, Concourse is more than half leased. Here is a link to Oxford leasing info for the building. Oxfordproperties Leasing. Based on the stacking plan, the top two floors are available. Would make a great place for an office, if you didn't mind not having access to modern amenities, like phones, running water and electricty.

I still think that the demolition is for the start of the R/A Galleria. Not the tower.
but the galleria would be the last thing to be built because you want as much space as possible to be available for construction staging, especially in the core. i can't see them putting in a shiny new glass pavillion shortly prior to getting into some massive demolition work


V of E: do you mean this project is definitely an eventual "go", or do you mean that it is going right now?
Dangnabbit - that cheesy donut shop is the only Greco Donair franchise in all of Toronto!
For the record, this is what the absurd plan for butchering the Concourse Building looks like.

I like it a lot. They are saving the only parts worth saving, and adding a good building to boot. Though I'll miss the donairs.
2mr I emailed the president of Priestly Demolition. My exact question to him was:

I live dowtown and was just curious about a Priestly Demolition sign hanging from a the side of a building (I think it's the "concourse buliding") . When will this be demolished?


His exact reponse was:

Within the next 3 weeks

How did this one slip by unnoticed? I'm a fan of the design and I find it a bit overwhelming that we could be seeing 3 possibly 4 office towers rise at the same time in this city.

Anybody else a bit bewildered?
Is it possible that the Telus rumour is tied with this building and not the office development south of Union Station?
no, Telus is going into the menkes building by the ACC
I like it a lot. They are saving the only parts worth saving, and adding a good building to boot. Though I'll miss the donairs.
Either you work for WZMH, or you have hack taste, or both...

Anyhoo, I'm not sure if I saw right, but it appeared as if they were *reinstating* the terracotta atop the SE corner today. But the spandrel "mountains" on the E side are still (momentarily?) missing...
I love this.

Here we have this forum full of insiders, industry-players, enthusiasts, avid hanger-ons... and we can't come to a concensus as to what the hell is happening with this building.

I'm used to a UrbanToronto that scoops a new project that won't be publicly announced for another few weeks; all this ambiguity is a surprising change of pace.
