Developer: Oxford Properties Group
Architect: Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates, WZMH Architects, GBCA Architects, ERA Architects
Address: 100 Adelaide Street West, Toronto, Canada
Category: Commercial (Office, Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2017
Height: 617 ft / 188.05 mStoreys: 40 storeys
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Please give me a timeline of when this will occur. I'm sick of most of the poles either being rusted or wood with wires hanging all over them and why must they all be grey? Why can't we use a different colour like black or even green which look better. I bet you it was probably the cheapest option there was which it was chosen. Why must everything in this city look grey??

As for other things to complain about there are too many lists, how about we actually start caring about our public realm for once. Why can't we get more nicer looking sidewalks like what was done in Roncessvalles or what is being done in York region with the Viva rapidways?How about actual dedicated bike lanes instead of the crap we got on Sherboune? I swear we always settle for the mediocre cheapest looking option for mostly everything in this city?

I used to have a similar attitude ! But guess what I learned ... if built form infrastructure (i.e. sidewalks / lighting / ...) are high up on your priority list, I recommend booking a one way ticket to just about any other similar size city : ). Its unfortunate but true in Toronto ! Toronto is a great place to live for many reasons, this isn't one !
I used to have a similar attitude ! But guess what I learned ... if built form infrastructure (i.e. sidewalks / lighting / ...) are high up on your priority list, I recommend booking a one way ticket to just about any other similar size city : ). Its unfortunate but true in Toronto ! Toronto is a great place to live for many reasons, this isn't one !

LOL, true. I just wish that the people here and the politicians could open their eyes and see what other cities are doing instead of always settling for mediocrity but I guess not too many people in this city seem to care, that's too bad!
Here's a terrible camera phone shot of what's happening today.
2013-06-10 10.25.32.jpg


  • 2013-06-10 10.25.32.jpg
    2013-06-10 10.25.32.jpg
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Please give me a timeline of when this will occur. I'm sick of most of the poles either being rusted or wood with wires hanging all over them and why must they all be grey? Why can't we use a different colour like black or even green which look better. I bet you it was probably the cheapest option there was which it was chosen. Why must everything in this city look grey??

As for other things to complain about there are too many lists, how about we actually start caring about our public realm for once. Why can't we get more nicer looking sidewalks like what was done in Roncessvalles or what is being done in York region with the Viva rapidways?How about actual dedicated bike lanes instead of the crap we got on Sherboune? I swear we always settle for the mediocre cheapest looking option for mostly everything in this city?

I do share your sentiments as I think everyone else does. For instance, The TTC poles would look a lot better painted nevermind that they also appear incapable of housing wires internally. However, every thread eventually leads to the shabbiness of our public realm highlighted by rusty poles particularly when there is a common consensus on the actual thread topic receiving a passing grade. It just seems pointless and defeatist to rant about something everyone recognizes and few here actually act on. Things aren't nearly as bad as things are made out to be outside of the downtown core either. The core's disgrace falls more on the shoulders of the handful of pension funds and REITs not doing their part to organize a plan to bury the remaining street and traffic light overhead wires and buy some decorative lighting. If other communities can do it in Toronto and in countless other cities, why can't our most experienced and successful property managers do it here too?

Toronto Hydro finally got a massive budget approved to replaced obsolete equipment including tens of thousands of poles. It will cost us something like $3 more per hydro bill.
Oxford officially announced this morning that Ernst & Young and The TMX Group (Toronto Stock Exchange) are the lead tenants in the now re-named Ernst & Young Tower. They have leased 45% or approx. 405,000 sq.ft. of the building between them. E&Y will be taking the lower 5 28,000 podium floors as well as some other floors. I don't know what the exact lease sizes are.

Construction is slated to be complete in July 2017.
Presumably. Other than the TD Bank Tower, they have all gone through a variety of names. Right now, they seem to have no names, just street adresses.
Presumably. Other than the TD Bank Tower, they have all gone through a variety of names. Right now, they seem to have no names, just street adresses.

The latest naming convention is just points of the compass - NSEW. TD Tower keeps it's name but, former TD Waterhouse twr is now South tower, former CP twr W, former Royal Trust tower is N, and now I know why E&Y tower kept it's name (for now), because it becomes E. People started using the addresses because the names kept changing, but some of the towers have 2 addresses confusing it even more.......
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They've changed the signs since the last time I looked. Besides, E&Y will likely keep that name as long as they are there and paying their rent.
2013-06-21 14.27.29.jpg

External elevators going up, parking garage going down.


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