From what I can tell the name Ripley's will be displayed prominently and will be seen from various sides of the building. Judging from the renderings this includes the RIPLEY's name painted in large letters on the rooftop of the aquarium- specifically to be viewed and photographed downward from the CN tower. It is what it is.
I think Ripley's would be well-advised to consider a different brand name for their aquarium properties. Ripley's gives off a kind of carnival atmosphere that makes the aquarium seem less serious.

I think that's too critical. How many cities are getting $130 million aquarium's these days? I dont think anyone is expecting this to a Great Barrier Reef experience. Asking a company bringing something this innovative to our city to change its very name is rich.
I agree with Ripley's and the carnival atmosphere. Mutant sea creatures and plastic fish, and with any luck Moby Dick and that giant Squid from 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea.
The lobby could have wax models of weird marine life, like Sponge Bob.
I'm not taking this aquarium serious at all. I'm not expecting much.
I guess someone's going to have to TOFTT and visit one of the other Ripley's Aquariums and provide a report back to the forum - complete with photographic evidence - on whether it can be taken seriously, or if Roy Scheider will be there handing out 3D glasses at the entrance.
Marko, good idea. Maybe someone can assure us that it is indeed, a worthwhile endeavor. $130 mill is a lot of money, but i'm still not convinced this is any better than the aquarium at Mandalay Bay in Vegas.
That was ok and we were in and out in less than an hour. Fish swimming all around as you went through a tunnel. It's one of those, i've seen it once, no need to go back things.
Ocean hellman?? I think she's filming in san fernando now. No this requires more star power- I'm thinking Lorraine gary, she was great in Jaws 4.
Danger Bay day at the Aquarium. I can see it now. All 7 fans, who still remember Ocean, show up to reminisce. Now i might even show up for that one. That would make 8.
I still have a "thing" for the Ocean.
I agree with Ripley's and the carnival atmosphere. Mutant sea creatures and plastic fish, and with any luck Moby Dick and that giant Squid from 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea.
The lobby could have wax models of weird marine life, like Sponge Bob.
I'm not taking this aquarium serious at all. I'm not expecting much.

Well that's good because now your going to be blown away when this project is completed... I think
to me... This looks a tad bit more realistic than other ripleys..... I still see it being a more sillier aquarium but still fun and knowledgeable at the same time.... It's probably giving us the one thing the Chicago aquarium is missing.... the shizaam! Of it all....
Oh and not saying that the outside exactly says what's happening on the inside but the exteriors for this aquarium look a bit more professional and not tacky at all..... Sorry I'm just putting in my opinion and or hopes?
Well good enough for now, serious aquariums require lots of money....something Toronto does not have right now, maybe one day.

Two questions:

1. What's the difference between an aquarium and a 'serious' aquarium? What does a 'serious' aquarium hold that a 'regular' aquarium doesn't?

2. If Ripley's is spending $130M and not getting a 'serious' aquarium, how much does a 'serious' aquarium cost, roughly?

I'd seriously like to know, because there are obviously some people that are aquarium aficionados on this forum. I'm not -- I think the Ripley's spending is serious coin and looks like it'll be a pretty big/well populated aquarium, but it seems I'm wrong about that.
As a poster who used the phrase "serious aquarium" earlier, I would offer my belief that a "serious aquarium" should have purposes other than making money from public visitors - "public aquaria are often affiliated with oceanographic research institutions or conduct their own research programs, and sometimes specialize in species and ecosystems that can be found in local waters. For example, the Vancouver Aquarium in Vancouver, BC is a major center for marine research, conservation, and marine animal rehabilitation, particularly for the rich ecosystem of the Pacific Northwest. (from wikipedia)"

We may be making an erroneous assumption that the Ripley aquarium will not have breeding programmes, research programmes, oceanographic expeditions, species collection, university affiliations, etc.

But I don't think so.
