
Quite good; though like all trendy restaurants, it's not a place where one can expect to leave with a full stomach.


A number of us are SINKS...even then, some of us have to eat cheap, unauthentic food in order to splurge once in awhile. :p


PS: Great views, interior design - bad acoustics. Voice doesn't carry well at all in that space.
Is it possible to just visit the restaurant without doing the museum (and paying admission)?

Yes - right now, the restaurant entrance on the west side of the addition is non-functional, so you'd have to go through the main entrance and ask for a little tag before going in.

I believe the entrance on the west side is for when the Museum closes at 6 pm and the restaurant stays open until 10pm.

Our little group of ten was offered a tour of the kitchen. Why, I don't know - we, not they, were the star attraction and we ignored the idea.

Didn't have time to lounge in the lounge. Being queens, mostly (;)), we swept into the joint a couple of minutes late. We'd reserved a single table, but they tried to seat us at two: we were having none of that.

Nice meal, small portions, good service, the usual fancy presentation that seems to be par for the course. An open kitchen ( will that fashion ever die? ) with stainless steel surfaces that couldn't have helped the aforementioned jangly acoustics. Though, when the other diners left it became a little bit easier to hear everyone.

Great view!
Anyone worries that what if the restuarant's on fire? I mean, hello...the next door has priceless collections....
I like open kitchens just fine, and hope they don't go away.

An open kitchen means...

- it has to be clean
- those working in it don't have to deal with the heat that can build quickly in a small space
- if needed, some entertainment may be derived from watching the food prep

What's yer beef with open kitchens, Shocker?

I just like the idea of people toiling away in obscurity, getting their eyebrows singed, collapsing from heatstroke, and having to be carted off to the hospital. I don't want to tour their workplace. I want the waiters to glide out through the kitchen door with trays of delicious food and then glide away again when they're done.

Hey! When are you gonna post that "crucifiction" picture of me?
What? You want it resurrected before three days have passed?

It'll be quite a while, and monastic patience will be required. I'm not downloading any new pics from my camera onto my computer until I have finished dealing with my Italy pictures, and they are taking a while. Sorry about that.

I want to see those pics too. I'm motivated. I'm working away on it!

I wore a Versace tie to C5 to commemorate the tenth anniversary of his death. After my spontaneous crucifiction at the ROM, I went to the AGO and saw Bernini's stunning Corpus. Saturday was replete of symbols of death and resurrection.
I whisper his name quietly in the dead of night: I introduce him to the Marquess of Cholmondeley and Edward Coke, Earl of Leicester.
