I always loved Martina Sorbara! In the early 2000's I had a chance to date her--I blew it:(

It's understandable why she moved to London--to distance herself from those that hate her father. A very nice smart girl I still love:)

You're a lucky guy: I love critiquing music, dreaming up artistic photo shoots, generally using my imagination to create! Which is why I love what I do--analyzing charts (which bizarely, is what you appear to do;) ) It's expansive and independent!
T. rex's platform is on wheels. They'll push him through from his temporary home in the Age of Mammals gallery when work on his new home in the Age of Dinosaurs gallery is done.

The Museum says that June attendance was 85% higher than in June 2006. And July was poised to be 35% higher than a year earlier. It was certainly busy there yesterday afternoon.

Once they get the new galleries installed and have a few blockbuster travelling exhibitions under their belt, it'll make a difference. The famous Chinese exhibition they hosted for three months in 1974 turned a $600,000 profit for the Museum and was very popular.
You can wave at T. rex from the blocked-off entrance near the Stair of Wonders, or from the street below.

I've seen the Chinese galleries a gazillion times but was happy to spend an hour there yesterday when it was hot outside. I thought about having tea in the basement restaurant, but they don't serve it in pots.
Re: the Crystal, I recently got a look at the finished product and, despite some of the shortcomings we've been commenting on, it really gets a thumbs up. Quite an impressive structure and generally well-done.
Yes I went inside for the first time recently and was quite impressed. I really like how the crystal reflects the pedestrians at the front entrance. The gift shop was really nice and spacious and I love those hollow metal seats, indeed a couple of spanish tourists asked me to take their picture seated in them.

No teapots... but do they offer you a real china cup at least? I'm not fond of drinking tea out of a paper or styrofoam cup.
Funny and small world- I grew up with Tina..I had heard she was back in town for a couple concerts..Guess I'd better give her a call..

That said, I spoke to a friend of mine who has worked for various architecture firms, both in canada and internationally and he mentioned that the workmanship in the ROM is of the worst he has ever seen. Badly done drywalling, sloppy plaster, uneven drywall cuts, screw holes, etc.. I have not had the chance to view this myself, but I would say that 8/10 people have mentioned the same or similar issues to me..

I think the details are things that can be fixed. Screw holes can be covered, etc, etc.
It seems to me they rushed to get this thing done for LuminaTO, and now that they have some time I'm hoping they'll bring the details up to par.
Somehow, the mention of "Martina Sorbara" and "screw holes" on the same thread page conjurs up some kind of nerdy fantasies out there...
Screw hole.. I gotta hand it to you adma.. I don't think there is anyone else on the board who is able to insert sexual comments into about 75% of their posts and combine them with the topic at hand....:D

"Tea! thou soft, sober, sage and venerable liquid; - thou female tongue-running, smile-soothing, heart-opening, wink-tippling cordial, to whose glorious insipidity I owe the happiest moment of my life, let me fall prostrate."
- Colley Cibber, after dining at C5.
