I would rather like to see this building facing it on yonge street rather than inside university compounds because the LED light of this building would give a dynamic and spectacular scenery on yonge street...I believe Ryerson learnig centre building is quite boring on streel level..
This is slightly on topic...about the lighting, not the building (which I think is amazing!)....I remember when Old City Hall was lit at night...I think it would be great if they used it on Old City Hall....but in a historical light show kind of way...e.g. using/blending colour to highlight different aspects of the beautiful details on the building....not completely lit up at once, but almost like it is telling a story by highlighting numbers of aspects at different times. Any thoughts on this?
This is slightly on topic...about the lighting, not the building (which I think is amazing!)....I remember when Old City Hall was lit at night...I think it would be great if they used it on Old City Hall....but in a historical light show kind of way...e.g. using/blending colour to highlight different aspects of the beautiful details on the building....not completely lit up at once, but almost like it is telling a story by highlighting numbers of aspects at different times. Any thoughts on this?

LEDs = Gravy! The only gravy Ford is interested in is the kind smothered all over his face and shirts.

Doesn't the Parliament Bldg do this?
yeah, there's usually a light show at 10pm during the summer.

It may work better at 'New' City Hall as there is a lot more room for people. Space infront of Old City Hall would be limited, and would probably result in many strained necks LOL

Too bad TO tore down the Armory Bldg where New City Hall now stands. That was an impressive structure which would have loved LED flooding!
It may work better at 'New' City Hall as there is a lot more room for people. Space infront of Old City Hall would be limited, and would probably result in many strained necks LOL

Toronto City Hall ("New" City Hall) does have an LED system all around the two towers but only parts of the south face are illuminated until around midnight. The sides and back of the building - which scream for attention - have had the LED system turned off since last winter. More gravy I suppose...
Toronto City Hall ("New" City Hall) does have an LED system all around the two towers but only parts of the south face are illuminated until around midnight. The sides and back of the building - which scream for attention - have had the LED system turned off since last winter. More gravy I suppose...
Maybe because they are in middle of a window replacement program and about to start restoration of the concrete?
Maybe because they are in middle of a window replacement program and about to start restoration of the concrete?

Well, they've been off since last winter and when I was there for the grand opening of the green roof I looked very closely at the condition of the building exterior and it's in remarkably good shape, at least to my eyes.
This tender closes August 12 so one assumes there is work needed!
Exterior Sealant and Concrete Repairs, Toronto City Hall-100 Queen Street West, Toronto
Quotations are invited for the supply and delivery of all labour and materials necessary for Exterior Sealant and Concrete Repairs, Toronto City Hall-100 Queen Street West, Toronto, all in accordance with the provisions and specifications contained in the Request for Tender (RFT) and the City of Toronto's Procurement Policies, the Price Schedule Form(s), the City of Toronto Fair Wage Policy
Maybe because they are in middle of a window replacement program and about to start restoration of the concrete?

One lone light was on at the rear of the east tower tonight, the first time I've noticed any lights on back there in months. The entire north face appears lit up but it's not, I don't know why the colour spread like that.

September 09




