Part of Ryerson's plan is to open up those small mews to allow exactly the kind of pedestrian experience you describe above. It's in a presentation, I just can't remember which one.

That's a wonderful idea - I'm glad that they realize the untapped potential for that space. Roy Square II!
those are some nice glass/spandrel panels (they would be outstanding looking if it is back lit too) ... I like them a lot

thanks for the update Tuscani01~

A taste:

A quick look at the start of construction.

High time for an update.

Here's what we're aiming for; Diamond Schmitt's design.



And here's what we're got so far.

Looking west along Gould Street.


The corner at Bond and Gould.


Window installation.



Frit on the glass.


A long reach.


Looking west along Gould.


Across the dry bed of seasonal Lake Devo.


Close-up of preparations to attach the new facade.


A view through closed Gould Street's temporary landscaping.


Looks like it's going to be awesome! Can't wait to see this completed and lit up.
I'm pretty impressed too.

Ryerson's in danger of actually having a good looking campus. I am very much looking forward to the Black Star Historical Black & White Photography Collection gallery, and I am expecting it will be of the calibre that future editions of the Michelin guidebook of Toronto will throw it a couple stars. Slowly but surely this city is building a great list of cultural attractions. Of course, students will benefit greatly from the remake of the Image Arts building too. I had classes in here way back when, and this remake is making me wish I were 20 years younger again. (Well, there are lots of other reasons that 20 years younger wouldn't be so bad, but we'll stick to just this one for the sake of this thread.)

Meanwhile the exotic topiary trucked in for the Gould and Victoria Street closures is not likely to appear once the closure is made permanent (and it will be of course), but despite that, whatever landscape design is employed to create a pedestrian heart for this campus, this temporary closure hints at how transformative some greened streets here will be.

I agree, that this building has the potential to be a real winner. I like the European-like design and use of materials.
^I didn't know about the Black Star Collection. Holy crap! What a scoop that Rye got it and not a NYC gallery! I bet there's some teeth gnashing about it down there.

Also, the fritted glass is hawt. I think D&S sometimes chooses blankness as a substitute for making a decision, but this reno looks pretty good.
Ryerson's home page says there will be a cafe on the ground level that opens up to Gould Street, and the RSU will be operating a beer garden during frosh weeks on the Lake Devo side when the building is complete.
Video of the LED lighting on the south facade, taken yesterday.


