Oh, look. Two men, neither wearing safety glasses, one missing a hardhat, and the scaffold doesn't have toe boards. What was that about concerns for safety?
Methinks whatever has found the true reason they don't want pictures of the site.

It is the first reason I listed in my post #574.... And here I was hoping it was reason number 3.


What unsafe practices, illegal activity or Area 51-style alien technology are these people trying to hide?
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I find the attitude and actions of the owners/security of this construction project deeply disturbing and I would love to curse profusely at them if given the chance and then take thousands of pics of them and post them all over the internet.
I seem to recall that when Home Depot decided not to proceed with a store in MLG the reason stated was that they determined that structurally the bleachers could not be removed because they were holding up the walls. Since the bleachers could not be removed they could not create an efficient retail space. I find it curious therefore that the current project underway has removed all of the bleachers. Until the new internal structure is complete I view MLG as a delicate egg shell.

I seem to recall that when Home Depot decided not to proceed with a store in MLG the reason stated was that they determined that structurally the bleachers could not be removed because they were holding up the walls. Since the bleachers could not be removed they could not create an efficient retail space. I find it curious therefore that the current project underway has removed all of the bleachers. Until the new internal structure is complete I view MLG as a delicate egg shell.


If you look back at photos of the interior several pages back you'll see that the walls of the buidling has been secured with steel bracing throughout the interior. It's really quite an amazing feat of engineering if you ask me.
Here's a link to BlogTO with a few photos too

If you look back at photos of the interior several pages back you'll see that the walls of the buidling has been secured with steel bracing throughout the interior. It's really quite an amazing feat of engineering if you ask me.
Here's a link to BlogTO with a few photos too


Very interesting. I would have assumed that the engineers came up with something before trying to renovate the building again. It wasn't until they started taking out the bleachers the first time that they had an "oh shit" moment, and had to stop. I think the multi-year delay between the two revampings gave the engineers enough time to come up with a workable interim solution to make sure the whole thing didn't come crashing down.
Well, look at it this way. Learn from facadism. Remember all those free-standing "historical" facades going back a quarter century or so? If they weren't braced up on the front, they would've faw down go boom. Duh
Some pictures on Turner Fleischer's website that are a bit fifferent I think than the blogto pictures. Pretty cool renovation.

Not sure how to link dirctly (I suck at the internet), click on the link at the bottom left.


It's unfortunate that the pictures can't be enlarged but none the less, that's a terrific link. Thanks for passing that on!
I get shivers looking at all the open space: the design of this building is breathtaking when reduced to it's functional bare elements.

p.s. The "circus on Church street" comment earlier sounds anti-Village to me. For the UT photo shoot, we could all show up drag or master/slave outfits, and show those gurls some flagrant opposition to silly rules. Jeepers.

Android - uk - thanks for the pics! You risked your life to improve ours! Much appreciated, and a Victoria Cross is on its way to you!

