Walked by it this past weekend. It looks very promising. It will be exciting to watch as the area evolves.
Why would Waterfront Toronto put up lights, then pay to replace them? Wouldn't that make this project that much more expensive? (especially for the worker's saleries) This beach needs more umbrellas. Shouldn't a beach be lined with a short wall or barrier, to keep the sand clean? Most of the major beaches I've seen were lined with a wall. I was told the reason for that was to help keep the sand clean. (from blowing leaves, branches, garbage, cigaterres and stuff like that) How long will it be before the sand is full of unwanted objects, like in the beaches? Ever step on a tree twig? It can be rather painful!

When I was there yesterday I noticed that there was no boardwalk along the water, (like at Harbourfront) was that cancelled? I wish the water feature was more prominant but other than that, it looks like a nice addition to our waterfront. Sherbourne Park will have lots of water flowing through it. It will be great on hot days like today. I can't wait!
Pure guesswork on my part - but can WT even open the park without lightining? It might be a stopgap to make sure they didn't get hung up on opening by that one little aspect.

No, the boardwalk isn't cancelled - it is to be built atop the existing edge above a stormwater treatement "channel" going all the way to Parliament Slip/Wavedeck. As to the need for a barrier - I am not so sure - the beach at HtO park isn't noticably dirty in spite of the lack of such.

It could be that the beaches has so many trees, so all the leaves, branches and twigs get blown into the sand. I like a wall along the sand. I think it just adds something interesting to a beach. It's also nice to sit on. I remember seeing one in Europe that had light posts, lookouts, small stores, showers and confection stands all built into the stone fence. It looked great too. It was like a promenade along the beach. I'd love to see something like that here.
Chances are the lighting was delayed by the manufacturer, or they sent the wrong lights. It could also be a design error. Also, the cost to installing temp lighting would be small in regards to the big picture, considering that the hard and time consuming work for installing these lights has already been done.
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I'm curious as to what the permanent lights will look like. I would think they might want a similar design to the proposed Queens Quay Blvd. lights.
Has anyone been there in the evening? The umbrellas are supposed to have lights under them as well.
Does no one think people will, you know, steal the umbrellas and Muskoka chairs?


For anyone too lazy to check the PDF themselves:


I like how they adapted the West 8 lights.
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It was especially nice to walk across from Guvernment after a long night of dancing and to sit and watch the sunrise from the beach with my boyfriend :D

I did the same thing, but with my friend around 8 am. We didn't stay awake very long though.
Do the chairs and umbrellas bear any resemblance to the ones at the HtO park, or am I crazy to expect cohesiveness despite the fact that a single corporation is overseeing the entire waterfront and all of these parks?

edit: oops, just saw the pics on the previous page and I love it!
When I was there I noticed that many of the chairs are actually locked to the umbrellas, which are firmly rooted in the ground.

That's how they've done it at HTO Park as well; as far as I can tell, they're all still present and accounted for.
