Really loving the granite maple leaf water feature. Looks so good. I can't wait for this park to finish!
I agree. The progress and quality of design, materials, and execution on the East Bayfront are very impressive. Thanks for link, achender.
I agree. The progress and quality of design, materials, and execution on the East Bayfront are very impressive. Thanks for link, achender.

Hey, no problem.
And because they are a bit tricky to find in the latest incarnation of the WT web site, here are a couple of other presentations from the may 5th board meeting. Sorry if some of this is a bit off topic.

The CEO's report (available here) which includes updates regarding
West Don Lands
  • TCHC has started excavation on its first project in the WDL
  • River City is 65% sold with construction expected to start in early 2011
  • Tendering of Don River Park and Mill Street public Realm is underway with Underpass park soon to follow (Don River Park contracts expected to be awarded in the first week of May)
East Bayfront
  • First employees moving into Corus building on May 7, rest moving in over the summer
  • Sugar Beach scheduled completion date is June 30th
  • Union station second platform tender process is underway and is expected to close in May
  • Federal funding sunset clause (date by which all funds originally promised by the Feds way back when must be spent) has been postponed by a year to March 31 2012

Also some documents related to the Lower Don planning:
Lower Don Lands presentation to the board
Clinton Climate Initiative as it realtes to the Lower Don Lands project
Sorry for the grainy image, my zoom isn't as extreme as some fellow forumers:

No matter. It is a great picture anyway. I have come to like Corus Quay quite a bit lately. I think it will really help kick-start the mixed use development that everybody aspires to emulate.
Sherbourne Park / Sugar Beach In Progress

I did another walk-by yesterday and snapped more photos. I could see the new asphalt path, curbs, and pavement markings along the south edge of Queens Quay, but aside from that the area has not changed much in recent weeks and is still something of a wasteland.

It was very, very windy, with grit constantly blasting in my eyes. Queen's Quay is dead quiet except every three or four minutes when, based on some unseen traffic light cycles, hordes of speeding cars and trucks would suddenly roar past in a somewhat frightening manner. Crossing Lakeshore at both Jarvis and Sherbourne required numerous light cycles and vast amounts of careful attention as a pedestrian to avoid becoming dead. I'm a huge supporter of these projects, but I have to say I have yet to be convinced that this area will be a pleasant place to linger any time soon.

Five photos; all are of Sherbourne Park, the first three are north from Queen's Quay, the last two are south from Queen's Quay towards the lake.



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At this point, there is no "there" there, so it the general unpleasantness is unsurprising. I suspect it will stay that way for awhile until it's more built up.

I really hope all of the excellent plans for this and surrounding districts go through without serious political interference/meddling.
This area will be lively once Corus is fully operational and the new George Brown Campus is finished. The rest of the city will follow suit once this portion of Queens Quay is finished. Five years, fingers crossed?
I can barely wait for Corus to open - I want to sit beneath the great overhang, drinkie in hand, reviewing my flotilla as it glides past on the lake and waving wanly at the RCYC clubhouse ( which, incidentally, is intended to be part of Doors Open 2011 ... if all goes well ).
There's now an asphalt path (cheap sidewalk) along the south side. Looks like the tracks to Redpath will not be replaced. Too bad! I liked that industrial layer, reminiscent of St. Catherines with active heavy rail lines on city streets.
