you have to wonder why this office tower is going under construction when so many other office proposals (Bay adelaide, 45 bay, etc.) need to be put on hold due to the amount of fresh/vacant office space.
Bay Adelaide is not on hold. Didn't the bank just release 500 million dollars for financing of it's construction....?

well i mean, it's been on hold for a while... i thought there was too much office space in downtown after RBC, Telus house, BA, etc...
but i sure hope this 500 million dollars starts up BA2. arnell plaza is incomplete without it!
Well Obviously there isn't enough office space. GWL and BCIMC are going forward with this project on spec. Just as they did for the PWC Tower. I'm pretty confident they'll have a tenant before this one even reaches the foundation floor.
from today
^Yes, I pity the owners at Infinity for the next few years... Construction completely surrounding them. It's going to be many years of noise and dust filling their condos. There is always some stupid craftsman that starts hammering at 6 in the morning, despite the laws against it.
You mean the tenants will feel the discomfort............the owners probably have signed a 1 or 2 year contract with the tenants ($1700/ mth 1 bedroom plus den) and are not even living in the area.

The owners are probably Chartered Accountants or MBA's working for PWC in New York City or Shanghai earning $100,000/ yr with paid off mortgages...reaping gains as landlords........
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$100,000 in New York is like $50,000 or less here. Yeah, I see paid off mortgages and investment properties in their portfolios for someone in that range. PWC is quite original though as it's being built across the street from Infinity
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^Yes, I pity the owners at Infinity for the next few years... Construction completely surrounding them. It's going to be many years of noise and dust filling their condos. There is always some stupid craftsman that starts hammering at 6 in the morning, despite the laws against it.

Noise is part of living in bustling city. I'd rather a building be completed on time or before schedule. I live on Queen East, where there is no construction but I still hear everything. The people, the streetcars, the traffic. It doesn't bother me. Even when I sleep, the noise of Queen has just become background music.
Noise is part of living in bustling city. I'd rather a building be completed on time or before schedule. I live on Queen East, where there is no construction but I still hear everything. The people, the streetcars, the traffic. It doesn't bother me. Even when I sleep, the noise of Queen has just become background music.

A few years ago I lived near Bay and College and was subjected to the construction of RoCP 1 and 2, Lumiere, and the Enwave deep water cooling system on Hayter street. Now I live in the St. Lawrence Market area with no major construction anywhere around me. It made a HUGE difference. I definitely feel for the people living in Infinity.
Now that these two towers are under construction, it's time for a thorough look at the renderings. Buckle-up!

First up, a straight-up view from the south, the rendered view of line-drawn elevations:


Now we go 3D, and sex it up a bit:


Approaching the building from York Street, we mostly see the PricewaterhouseCoopers Tower on the corner, but the Bremner Tower is in evidence to the west.


Here we look down on the lower floors of the two office towers and their podium. GO and VIA tracks run in behind.


Here, a look at the entry area for the 30-storey Bremner Tower.


Moving just a bit to the west we get a look at the Delta Hotel's courtyard entrance area.


From west of the project along Bremner, we look back at the west side pedestrian entrance to the hotel.


And if we back up a bit more, we get an overall look at the project from the west side.


Whipping all the way around to the north side, this is the view of the complex as it would be seen from Citibank Place across the rail tracks.


And here we'll end the rendering tour with an overall look at the north elevations:

I heard a few days ago that Delta hotels will be closing the Delta Chelsea once the new Delta opens on Bremner. If true this could release a HUGE downtown site.
