The tower crane is being removed. They took the giant boom thing down in one piece, it was pretty cool to watch. Unfortunately, no windows or balconies were smashed.
Sorry, didn't have my camera.
Some pics of the model suites are now online here.

They were taking down the rest of the hoarding on Church Street this morning.
The boom came down on Tuedsay, I think, and the rest I guess while I was in Winnipeg and so didn't get to see it.
spire looks like its finishing up. There were even some ads in the Newspaper and condo guide stating that people would be celebrating new year's eve at SpIre.
whoaaa... what's with finishin' the whole building. That's 3 in a row. I'm starting to like the idea. A roof.

I was thinking the same thing, 3D. Actually completing the building and its architecture, not just saying "meh... good enough" once they're finished with the occupied floors. What a novel concept.
What a great shot. Shows just how puny both 1 King and Spire are in relation to the downtown towers. We need one of our design wizards to add Bay Adelaide into this photo.
